It can what only be described as another example of brilliance (not) of the loony loopy Luddite liberals, Howard Screaming Dean said the following on a Sunday News show:
"It looks like today, and this could change, as of today it looks like women will be worse off in Iraq than they were when Saddam Hussein was president of Iraq."
I am sure that all the women who were yanked off the street to satisfy the insatiable animal demands of Uday and Qusay would agree with Howlin Howie. Especially after being tossed back on the street and branded a whore from that point on.
I am sure that the thousands of Kurdish that were gassed by Saddam would agree with Howard the Dick as well, if they were alive to give testimony.
I am sure that the thousands of women dug up in the mass graves through out Iraq would agree with Meat-head Dean too, but like the Kurdish women, deal people cannot give testimony.
You know what is really sad about this quote from the leader of the loony loopy Luddite liberals? That the program, Disgrace the Nation, did not call him on it.