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Fascinating Article in National Geographic
Published on August 15, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

I went to the doc today for my high blood pressure.  Since my appointment was at the end of the day, I had a long wait (typical).  I started reading an article in National Geographic about alien species taking over eco systems.  Like the Brown Tree snake in Guam (up to 13k per acre!) or Kudzu in the south (you dont have to tell a southerner about that!).

But one of the most facscinating stories was about a little frog!  yes, a little frog called the Coqui?

Why such a strange name?  because it makes a sound like this Co-Keeeeee. BUT.  At 90 decibels, it is not background noise!

This little frog came over from South America and has swamped the main island of Hawaii.  It is not unheard of to have 90 of them around a house, and the noise is said to be deafening!

This little frog really does nothing bad to the eco system, other than irritate the hell out of the residents.  Well, if I had 90 of those 90 decibel fellas serenading outside my window every night, I would not be a happy camper!

But the interesting part is that if you sell your house, and do not reveal to the buyer you are infested with them, that is grounds for a lawsuit that you will lose!

Like all alien species, these dont have any natural enemies.  And before someone suggests tranplanting the brown tree snake (which is also venemous), their diet is mostly birds.

Now you could grab some burmese pythons from Florida (some of them get big enough to eat a deer), but would a 20 foot snake want a little toad as food?  I think not!

So another Island paradise is polluted by noise pollution.  Except in this case, it is not man making the noise, but a LOUD MOUTH Frog!

on Aug 15, 2005
Oh, forgot for those in the great lakes region, the Zebra mussle!  They are so prolific, they are making the shallows dry land!
on Aug 15, 2005
I personally have never heard a Coqui. We live kind of in the middle of Oahu between two mountain ranges. (Schofield Barracks)

However, I have heard many local news reports with people complaining about the frogs. It's particularly bad in the Honolulu area, according to news reports.

They are very careful about the ecosystem here, and you can get in a lot of trouble for bringing in foreign creatures (especially snakes, as we have no snakes here).

This is a good website about the Coqui frog problem here in Hawaii. It's interesting that according to the info on the website Wahiawa (which is the town that Schofield Barracks is connected to...or inside of...if that makes any sense) has the biggest problems with the frogs.

I've never heard one.

I do hear LOTS of geckos, though (they go "geck, geck, geck") and have some living in our porch with a baby one running around in our bathroom. Hehe.
on Aug 16, 2005

I do hear LOTS of geckos, though (they go "geck, geck, geck") and have some living in our porch with a baby one running around in our bathroom. Hehe.

I thought they sold car insurance???

on Aug 17, 2005
I have heard of the Coqui just recently. There are some fears these noisy little buggers have made their way to Australia's tropical north, where they will be in competition with such introduced pests as the Cane Toad, the Water Buffalo, camels, goats, donkeys and various introduced plants, including the Prickly Pear and Lantana.
on Aug 17, 2005
Like all alien species, these dont have any natural enemies.

They are lucky they dont live in France...
on Aug 17, 2005

Cane Toad, the Water Buffalo, camels, goats, donkeys and various introduced plants, including the Prickly Pear and Lantana.

At least those let you sleep at night.  These villians are a cacophony!

on Aug 17, 2005

They are lucky they dont live in France...

Maybe they once did?