Debra Ness, leader of a group called National Partnership for Women and Families recently made the following statement:
The right of women to vote, the right to privacy, all of these are rights that Americans hold dear, but some might argue are not rights that can be easily found in the Constitution.
Now I know I am just a lowly citizen, and perish the thought that perhaps this lowly cirizen might know as much as the exalted leader of a left wing advocacy group, but......
(Yes there is that Big But)
Can one of you Einsteins out there double check me on this, but isn't the 19th amendment the one that gave women the right to vote? Was it written in Invisible ink? Did the Vast Right WIng conspiracy go out and hide that amendment from prying eyes?
Apparently so if it is so hard to find. It makes you wonder about the competancy of an organization that would hire someone that stupid as their leader. WHat next? Make someone like Howard Dean leader of the Democrat National Committee????
{oops - seems they did that too}