There is no other way to put it. All Public employees in Washington state HAVE to join a union, or pay a $45 a month fee for not joining. They have no choice. Regardless if they want to join or not.
Many will jump on the bandwagon to blame the unions. But that is just stupid. The unions are just doing what they always do. Trying to live a life of leisure off the backs of the real producers. Kind of like the Communist directorate. That is what they do, and they have always done.
No, the criminal here is Gregoire. A tainted governor, and now a pawn in the pockets of those who cheated to get her elected. Credit also goes to the Democrat led legislature that signed into law this stupid bill.
And so who benefits? Sure the union does! They get free money! Everyone wants free money!
The legislators. Why? because Washington residents have the IQ of green snot and they just passed a feel good measure for the green snot.
Who loses?
Every state employee. They have no choice. Their salary was just decreased by over $45 per month (since the dues are generally not tax deductible and defiinitely not SS exempt). Every one just lost over $500 per year in TAKE HOME PAY (which equates to almost a grand in actual salary).
And every taxpayer in Washington. Why? because those state employees are going to want to get compensated for that money, and that means more pork at the state level for the state.
In a way, it is kind of good. As the PPR of the democrat states continue to kill themselves with increased taxes and stupid laws, people will move to the republican states that offer more freedom and allow you to keep more of your money. So the dunces of the democrat party will continue to wonder why they always lose national elections.
Here's a clue for the clueless. The only ones happy with YOUR policies are the ones not paying taxes! So you can become the west coast example of Taxachutteses. But dont expect rational people to stick around to fund your jacuzzi.