Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Speaks volumes
Published on August 9, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Here are 2 headlines from that AP:

"A 13-year-old giant panda gave birth to a cub at San Diego Zoo, but a second baby died in the womb, officials said Wednesday."--Associated Press, Aug. 3

"A cancer-ravaged woman robbed of consciousness by a stroke has given birth after being kept on life support for three months to give her fetus extra time to develop."--Associated Press, Aug. 3

Note both are from the same day.  Also note that an unborn panda is a baby, but a child born to a brain dead woman is still a fetus.

This is your brain.  This is your brain on stupidity.

Any questions?

Comments (Page 4)
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on Aug 14, 2005
They just try to cheapen it by trying to call it a fetus, when in fact it was indeed and is a baby.

I'm not sure how the term "fetus" cheapens life? It's a noun that describes a human at a certain stage in his or her development. I'm not sure why some view it as such a controversial or demeaning word.
on Aug 14, 2005

I'm not sure how the term "fetus" cheapens life? It's a noun that describes a human at a certain stage in his or her development. I'm not sure why some view it as such a controversial or demeaning word.

To the NARAL crowd, it denotes non-human, and thus can be discarded.  like the Post partum one in Colorado.  To call a baby a 'fetus' means that you can kill it and not be subject to murder charges.

They are so afraid that perhaps one day, real people will discover that PBA is murder as they are not fetuses, but actual babies.

on Aug 14, 2005
They just try to cheapen it by trying to call it a fetus, when in fact it was indeed and is a baby. There is a time to drop your blinders even if you agree with pro choice.

It also, in fact, was a fetus. I will drop my blinders when you take off your "I hate NARAL" glasses and accept the possibility that this is not some conspiracy, but a horrible writer who wrote a horrible sounding, but not scientifically incorrect, headline.
on Aug 15, 2005

I will drop my blinders when you take off your "I hate NARAL" glasses

After their latest slander, I guess you are going to have to keep your blinders on.

on Aug 15, 2005
After their latest slander, I guess you are going to have to keep your blinders on.

What did they do?

on Aug 15, 2005

What did they do?

The Roberts trash job?  Where they accused him of defending AND condoning Abortion Clinic Bombings?  They just pulled the ads because they said it had been 'misconstrued'.  No, As said, it was not even misleading.  it was outright false!

on Aug 15, 2005
The Roberts trash job? Where they accused him of defending AND condoning Abortion Clinic Bombings? They just pulled the ads because they said it had been 'misconstrued'. No, As said, it was not even misleading. it was outright false!

Oh, right. Just to get this straight, you do now that I'm not a member or a particularly ardent supporter of NARAL right? I just don't happen to think this article had any ulterior motives.
on Aug 15, 2005

Oh, right. Just to get this straight, you do now that I'm not a member or a particularly ardent supporter of NARAL right? I just don't happen to think this article had any ulterior motives.

Ulterior motive? It was written before the NARAL ad appeared.  They just stepped into it big time.

on Aug 15, 2005
Ulterior motive? It was written before the NARAL ad appeared. They just stepped into it big time.

I think we're talking about two different things. My entire point is that I don't think the headline you highlighted was done with any malicious intent. That's it.
on Aug 16, 2005

I think we're talking about two different things. My entire point is that I don't think the headline you highlighted was done with any malicious intent. That's it.

In that I will agree.  Just fear and ignorance, not malicious intent.

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