Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Hell Yes!
Published on August 8, 2005 By Dr Guy In Blogging

But do I need you to respond or read it?  Well, I like it, but it is not necessary.

What I like to do is what I just did a few minutes ago.  I lampooned Dharma and her Franken Scar!

It was not mean, it was eerie! (unless you follow SciFi).  And it was inspired by what she said on someone else's blog.

it was fun!  It was not mean, and it gave a few people some laughs!

Why?  Cause life is tough, and every chance we get to laugh, we want to laugh!

SO how many points am I going to get here?  How may of my schizophrenic personalities are going to respond? 

let me rephrase that.  Do I really give a FF?

Nope!  I am in class this week, so my multi tasking is severely limited and so my status is going to sink.

And you know what?  I wrote 1 (ONE) article for prostitution on Google.  And I dont care.

because I am having fun!  Count your points! Get to the top!  Be #1!

Sorry, I am out to lunch.  JHF!


Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 08, 2005
lmao whip..

hey doc? I multi task alla time, chew gum, breathe, walk, smell things, you can do it too. lolololololo
on Aug 08, 2005


Just remember, you're never alone with a schizophrenic.

Yes, I am always among friends!  Mwhuhahahaha

on Aug 08, 2005
crazy, lol!
on Aug 08, 2005
Ruh? (Scooby Doo)

Did I miss something?
on Aug 08, 2005
I *try* not to care, but I can't lie and say I don't. For some insane reason I really give a crap what folks like Col. Gene or Aeryck think, that's why I waste so much time posting over and over and over in response.

I've been reflecting myself on how to fix it, but as far as I can see it is a character flaw. I spent a good hour today trying to figure out how I could blog and yet not give a damn if Philomedy "don't wike me no more". It's childish, I know.

I wish I could always say it is fun, and it IS fun to mix it up with some people. Others, I dunno. I think I am just going to start using my blacklist more.
on Aug 09, 2005
Just keep blogging away.... no matter what your reasons are!
on Aug 09, 2005

hey doc? I multi task alla time, chew gum, breathe, walk, smell things, you can do it too. lolololololo

If I try to chew gum and walk, I trip over cracks!

on Aug 09, 2005

crazy, lol!

Hey IG!  How goes life in paradise?

on Aug 09, 2005

Ruh? (Scooby Doo)

Did I miss something?

No, just a day of non-stop geek cramming and my little release.

on Aug 09, 2005

I've been reflecting myself on how to fix it, but as far as I can see it is a character flaw. I spent a good hour today trying to figure out how I could blog and yet not give a damn if Philomedy "don't wike me no more". It's childish, I know.

We all get into things passionately at times.  At those times, we need to step back, say WTF, and move on.  Then we can jump back in, and have fun with it!

on Aug 09, 2005

Just keep blogging away.... no matter what your reasons are!

Yes, the next one will be the Bionic Lady takes on the Ga'ould!

on Aug 09, 2005

~falls over dead with the shock of seeing this statement from Baker~

Elie!  Quick!  Grab the smelling salts for Little Whip!

on Aug 09, 2005
~falls over dead with the shock of seeing this statement from Baker~"

You have NO idea of the kind of knock-down, drag-out arguments I was having with Brad and Jafo YEARS before this site was created. I mean, personality scarring hatefests.

"We all get into things passionately at times. At those times, we need to step back, say WTF, and move on. Then we can jump back in, and have fun with it!"

Easier said than done when they keep right on talking about you. One of them is over on your PETA blog saying that I was disrespectful and slighting the religion of fruitarians (I swear to God, I'm not making that up...)
on Aug 09, 2005
hey doc? I multi task alla time, chew gum, breathe, walk, smell things, you can do it too. lolololololo

If I try to chew gum and walk, I trip over cracks!

Hey doc, does that mean if you try to pat your head, rub your tummy, chew gum and walk all at the same time you'd have a fit?
on Aug 09, 2005
What is lampooning?
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