Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
No I dont think it is right
Published on August 6, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

yes, the CATHOLIC archbishop of Sidney has asked for a re-enactment.  But I do not agree.

I hope Mel Gibson tells him no as well.

The Passion of the Christ was a supremely moving movie.  One that would leave anyone deeply moved, whether they were of faith or not.  But to restage it would be to diminish it.

I hope he says no.  And I wonder what the Arch Bishop was thinking.  Perhaps Phoenixboi, Champas, Toblerone or another Aussie and give us some insight.

He sounds like a (the AB) shill for a carnival side show!

on Aug 06, 2005
Funny sidenote on this topic.....
For reasons not acceptable to me, the implication of the Jews in the crucifixion, the movie was not shown here... I wanted a copy of the video here but that too was unavailable...
A friend was visiting from the States and I asker her to buy me the video there... she bought a DVD instead!!!
So... I had to go buy a DVD player.... just to see that movie!
BTW... it was very good.
on Aug 06, 2005
Well, my opinion on this is not really important as I am not Catholic, and further, not religious, but...

I don't really think this in any way cheapens or diminishes the message of the film. I did see the movie and also found it to be very powerful (and difficult to watch).

Perhaps those who see it "staged" will be similarly moved.

I'm not sure why this would be harmful.
on Aug 06, 2005

So... I had to go buy a DVD player.... just to see that movie!
BTW... it was very good.

I think that is called the conspiracy of Capitalism!

Glad you liked it.  I never saw any anti-semticism in it.  I came out feeling rage at the romans, who I later realized was just (in 20th century lingo) the man.

on Aug 06, 2005

Well, my opinion on this is not really important as I am not Catholic, and further, not religious, but...


You dont have to be either.  Dont qualify.  Your insight is as valued as us mackeral snappers.

on Aug 06, 2005

Perhaps those who see it "staged" will be similarly moved.

I'm not sure why this would be harmful.

Not harmful, just cheap.  But thanks.  Maybe I was just moved too much by the movie.  I am not adverse to saying I am too sensitive.

on Aug 06, 2005
I never saw any anti-semticism in it.

neither did I

us mackeral snappers.

OMG I haven't heard that term in years... On Fridays my mom would send me to the fish store to buy fresh fish for her gefilte fish (fish dumplings)... she always made me go early because that was the day the Catholics snatched up all the fish. We called them mackeral snatchers... not snappers.
on Aug 06, 2005
I don't like them either, but they are pretty common, after all. There are famous ones here in America, in Germany, etc. The 'passion play' goes all the way back to the dark ages. I'm not a fan of them, and i have never seen one done well. They are a fact, though, and even if Gibson doesn't do it, you can bank on the fact that someone else will.
on Aug 06, 2005
Nothing George Pell says surprises me. Pell is the Catholic equivalent to Australia's controversial Islamic leaders. He loves the limelight, he loves to be controversial. Even Melbourne's Father Bob Maguire said (jokingly) that the reason the numbers in Melbourne's churches are increasing is that everyone is leaving Sydney to get away from George Pell.
on Aug 07, 2005

We called them mackeral snatchers... not snappers.

Deborah Kerr and Robert Mitchum, Heaven Knows Mr. Allison.  She was a nun and he called her a mackeral snapper.

But I guess if you were late to the fish store, you would call them snatchers!

on Aug 07, 2005

They are a fact, though, and even if Gibson doesn't do it, you can bank on the fact that someone else will.

I am sure they will.  I just hope they dont try to re-enact the Passion.  It was a once in a life time event. And always will be.

on Aug 07, 2005

Nothing George Pell says surprises me. Pell is the Catholic equivalent to Australia's controversial Islamic leaders. He loves the limelight, he loves to be controversial.

I guess he belongs to the old school - i.e., best to be talked about, than not talked about.  Looks like hs is getting a lot of talking about.

on Aug 09, 2005
I guess he belongs to the old school

Hmm, you mean he like The Beastie Boys and Run DMC as opposed to Tupac or Biggie Smalls?

But seriously... Pell must be getting desperate if he's resorting to this kind of theatrics to attract new patronage. As a lapsed Catholic, I heartily laugh at this sort of nonsense. As far as I'm concerned, the Catholic Church needs to concentrate on disposing of all the skeletons in its cupboards before doing anything else.


on Aug 09, 2005

But seriously... Pell must be getting desperate if he's resorting to this kind of theatrics to attract new patronage. As a lapsed Catholic, I heartily laugh at this sort of nonsense. As far as I'm concerned, the Catholic Church needs to concentrate on disposing of all the skeletons in its cupboards before doing anything else.

I agree.  At least in the US, while it has been a very painful process, The Church has finally started to get rid of its skeletons.