With all this points wars going on, I have not really been paying attention to mine. Because as many others have stated, I blog for my own reasons, and points are just an abacus that counts the tax, not the content.
But I just created a special group. The group is made up not of like minded people (indeed all of them BBQed my tail), but ones I owe an explanation to about an article (Shades, Baker and Mano, please view the link - oh, and if anyone else can view it, let me know. I tried to restrict it, but it is my first attempt at that feature).
IN creating the special group, I discovered I am a Power User! Say what?
Yea, I am a 2! I thought I was just a citizen! INdeed, that is what I have always been! But now I am a PU (yea I stink too!).
Well, I dont know what you are, and I cant tell you how I got to be A number 2 (oh yes I can! And I am sure thatoneguy and kingbee can tell you too!), but I am.
SO power on! My insightfuls just got doubled! Quake in your boots you ne'er do wells! I can zap you with a single troll rating! Be afraid! Be very afraid!
What? What did you say Brad?
Oh, sorry, Brad says I am still a pip squeak.