Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
JU, how about a laugh?
Published on August 5, 2005 By Dr Guy In Humor

"Scientists Puzzled Over Oddities Along Pacific Coast"--headline,, Aug. 2

Uh, I think they are called Surfers.

"Playtex Profit Weighed Down by Restructuring Costs"--headline,, Aug. 1

Guess they should sue Silicon manufactures for the cost of the extra material.

"Rescuers Save Hot Dog in Car"--headline, KSND-TV Web site (San Diego), July 21

Was the weinermobile burning?

"Too Many Planets Numb the Mind"--headline, New York Times, Aug. 2

I knew those tin foil hats would come in handy!

on Aug 05, 2005
"Rescuers Save Hot Dog in Car"--headline, KSND-TV Web site (San Diego), July 21

Was the weinermobile burning?

"Too Many Planets Numb the Mind"--headline, New York Times, Aug. 2

I knew those tin foil hats would come in handy!

on Aug 05, 2005

Reply By: foreverserenity

Tank, you Dahlink!

on Aug 05, 2005
"Rescuers Save Hot Dog in Car

, it must have been my son's car, he's always buying hot dogs!

"Playtex Profit Weighed Down by Restructuring Costs

JI KNEW that gaining weight would hurt SOMEONE....

Gotta love these whacky headlines!!.
on Aug 05, 2005
Gotta love these whacky headlines!!.

The Doctor says a laugh a day keeps the doctors away!

I am in the biz to be out of the biz!
on Aug 06, 2005
Keep them coming, Doc!

--"Too Many Planets Numb the Mind"--
Only 'MARS' numbed my mind. Too many of those big M&Ms.

--"Rescuers Save Hot Dog in Car"--
To be FRANK that hot dog was a real WEINER. The rescuers tried to contact the hot dog's family but they were at a ballpark.

--"Playtex Profits Weighed Down by Restructuring Costs"--
Hurt by having their cups runneth over.
on Aug 14, 2005

--"Too Many Planets Numb the Mind"--
Only 'MARS' numbed my mind. Too many of those big M&Ms.

--"Rescuers Save Hot Dog in Car"--
To be FRANK that hot dog was a real WEINER. The rescuers tried to contact the hot dog's family but they were at a ballpark.

--"Playtex Profits Weighed Down by Restructuring Costs"--
Hurt by having their cups runneth over.

Ah Geez!  I really need to pass these by you so you can write the punch lines! !

I love the Frank one best, but all are good!