Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
And I dont know why
Published on August 4, 2005 By Dr Guy In Blogging

For about a week, a couple of weeks ago, my site was listed as the second highest in JU Land.  While I have not taken any time off lately as I normally do in the summer, I have not really been blogging more than others, and as far as I know, there was no earth shattering article written in that time.  So why did I have over 20k points and beat out Skinning the Frog?

I have no idea.  I can tell you that while I do have a few articles marked as private, none were written in the last 90 days.  Those that are private are private because I do not want anyone else reading them.

So how did I get to be number 2?  Did I cheat?  Hardly.  I did not even think about cheating until another blogger raised the issue.  And the purpose of my blog is not to be number one, but to please me.  I really dont care about the rankings, and since it was kind of screwy several months back, have not really paid much attention to it.

But on occassion, Someone has commented on one of my articles or comments that they found it very 'insightful'.  I did notice that you get points both times when either are rated insightful or interesting, and just recently learned you cannot give out more than 2 of those a day, so I could not have slapped myself on the back that way, altho others could have.

Could that have made me number 2?  If the points system is working properly, I can only beleive that is the case.  So if it propelled me to heights never seen before, I guess it could propel others as well.  But As I am not the engineer behind the scenes here, I can only guess, not know what is going on.

And you know what?  It still does not matter to me.  I like people reading my public articles, and commenting on them (even if they wont give me a straight answer).  I also like the interaction with others, and sometimes will post a witty or sarcastic repsonse instead of a serious one.  This usually results in what some call Chit Chat.  Which is fine.  I have done it with members of the right and the left as the mood strikes me. 

For you see, that is why I write.  When the mood strikes me.  Sometimes, I post humorous articles, sometimes from the heart or heart wrenching, many times political or current events.  Rarely (like now) blogging and almost never in OS Customization or Gaming (just not into those).

If the points ever become the primary motive of my writing, I am going to quit.  That is not why I am here.  And if others are here just for the points, that is fine.  I dont read everything or everyone.  I read what I find interesting, and comment when I want to, not when I need to or when someone needs me to (altho that has only been asked of me once).

The points system may not be perfect.  Indeed, with all the problems JU has had over the last month, it may even have bugs in it.  If you want to post for points, please do so.  But dont expect me to read it unless you have a hook (as Gideon and Moderateman did several months back).

You blog your way, and I will blog mine.  And I leave with one final thought.  We dont know all the ingredients that go into the point system.  And without that knowledge and knowledge of the actual mechanics, we cannot know how we rise to a certain level.  Or how others do.  To jump to conclusions based upon insufficient data is to do a dis-service to yourself, not the accused.

on Aug 04, 2005
Forum Bump, altho I dont think they are needed now that JU is better.
on Aug 04, 2005
you were number 2...I'm only number fair!
on Aug 04, 2005
"And you know what? It still does not matter to me. I like people reading my public articles, and commenting on them (even if they wont give me a straight answer). I also like the interaction with others, and sometimes will post a witty or sarcastic repsonse instead of a serious one. This usually results in what some call Chit Chat. Which is fine. I have done it with members of the right and the left as the mood strikes me.

For you see, that is why I write. When the mood strikes me. Sometimes, I post humorous articles, sometimes from the heart or heart wrenching, many times political or current events."

This is absolutely how it should be. You (the individual) blog because you want to and you enjoy it. Except that it's put out there for all and sundry to read and comment on if you let them!

OK Doc, you blog your way and I'll continue to blog my way! [now you've got me thinking about that song - "and I did it my way......"] nooooooo, now it won't go away!
on Aug 04, 2005

you were number 2...I'm only number fair!

I write about sex and politics!  You just write about goodness and fairness.  Mine is juicier!

on Aug 04, 2005

OK Doc, you blog your way and I'll continue to blog my way! [now you've got me thinking about that song - "and I did it my way......"] nooooooo, now it won't go away!

I guess I could do worse than remind someone of a Frank Sinatra song!

on Aug 04, 2005

Not true.

The scoring system, or at least how its supposed to be, is explained in detail here.

And we know that to be false, as you already pointed out.  Whether it is a bug or a hidden easter egg, the truth is we dont know.

We also know that we cannot see the insightfuls and interestings that may or may not have been given, so you did leave out a part of the equation in your figuring. If Brad gave everyone of someone's articles an insightful, that would rack up some points very fast.

on Aug 04, 2005
Dr. Guy, good article! I gave you an insightful for it.

Blogging is supposed to be what you want it to be about. If you choose to write private articles, fine. That's what the feature is for. I use it occansionally for times when I can't finish an article but want to post it later. At least with the private feature, it's made as so you're not double-dipping.

on Aug 04, 2005

That leaves 16,000 unexplained points, and there is no way in hell you'll ever convince me he got that many hits without having more comments than that.

The 16k that you said had to be by visits or shenanigans.  But you leave out the fact that if Brad had given every one of his articles an insightul, that would have been 8600 points right there, halving the necessary amount.

Now, given that 2 weeks ago, I was up over 20k points and in second place, and I did none of the cheating you allege (you can trust me on that or not, your choice), then I would say that there are either bugs or easter eggs at work of which we know nothing about.  Only the programmers do.

I would also note that except for the JU downtime, my output has been about steady for the past 2 months, yet I am now at 12k points.  A difference of 8k points.  I have no problem with any admin at JU searching my blogs for hidden posts, or backup tapes for deleted articles.  There were none.

But there still is the question of those 8k points that I have no explanation for.

on Aug 04, 2005

Dr. Guy, good article! I gave you an insightful for it.

Thank you!  Keep pumping out those music reviews!  We need variety in our reading as well as our writing!

on Aug 04, 2005

Gimme a break and stop grasping at straws.

I have given you a break. You just refuse to accept it.  As I pointed out, when you can explain my 8k point differential, then I will start to believe you.  Until then, all I know is that we do not know. 

on Aug 04, 2005
Dear Dr. Guy, I have several times given u ratings for ur COMMENTS. I THINK that might boost the article instead of the comment, it is just as possible that the thing happened I wanted to happen, in that case not the author u responded to but U should get my interesting. I never trolled u yet, wouldnt be ashamed to tell ya if I did because of disagreeing to only 1 comment. Mostly I dont troll intentionally at all unless I feel someone is getting unjustly dangerous. All of this will soon be normalized for several reasons.

I cant comment ur comment without instead replying to the author giving him the good rating even though I sometimes only like Ur comment. Because I registered to WC for 20 $, I can troll and rate many more times than twice a day, especially after reinandoutlogg, restart, browserclose etc. However, luckily, if I try to give u another insightful for the same thing the pop says, impossible, Ive already done that once on the same article or comment.

As a site issue, even today the last comment to any article i gave insightful or interesting shows that boxes rating ticked instead of the article I rated.
on Aug 04, 2005

Dear Dr. Guy, I have several times given u ratings for ur COMMENTS. I THINK that might boost the article instead of the comment,

Thank you for the ratings, and as you can see, there is a lot we dont know that goes on behind the scenes.  All I am saying, unless we know what is going on, we cannot say how something is being done.

That is neither a defense or excuse.  It is a statement of fact.

on Aug 04, 2005
I'm quite oblivious to how the points system works. I only know about the 5 points per comment thing. But like you said, it's not that that matters. As long as blogging is still fun, then do your thing
on Aug 05, 2005

I'm quite oblivious to how the points system works. I only know about the 5 points per comment thing. But like you said, it's not that that matters. As long as blogging is still fun, then do your thing

Right on!  And your articles are always fun to read!