Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Stop and give Pause
Published on August 4, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

With all the theatrics going on lately at JU, people getting banned, put in time out, petty squabbles going on, sometimes we need to stop and remember what life is all about.

And what life is all about is exemplified by Susan Torres and Jason Torres.  One sacraficed her life (she had terminal cancer but wanted the baby anyway) and the other preserved her life for the sake of Susan Anne Catherine Torres, a baby wighing but one pound, 13 ounces.

Liberal, conservative, Aussie, Yankee, Brit.  In the final tally of human endeavors, this is what life is all about.

on Aug 04, 2005
The only true miracle of life, is the birth of a child.
on Aug 04, 2005
that is the truth!
on Aug 04, 2005

that is the truth!

A welcome respite to the points wars.  Made me think of what was really important.  May God bless that little Girl and give her the best life possible.

on Aug 04, 2005
very good article, Doc.

Thinking about it made me think of one of my best friends. I haven't really talked to him since I moved. He's a super guy. In fact, my mother calls him her 6th son.

6 years ago his sister was diagnosed with cancer. Doctors tried various things on her including lots of radiation treatments. Though she had very bad side effects and withdrawals from them her spirits were always up.

When it was obvious the cancer was still spreading his sister made a decision to stop all treatment and try to have a baby. Her husband was a saint during that time. He went with her wish and she got pregnant. Her husband also made other wishes she had before she got sick come true. She always wanted a Mustang and her own house. So on Valentine's Day he drove her from their apartment to a brand new house with a new Mustang in the driveway.

Though she was dying a little each day she seemed to be so very strong. Always smiling, always busy, determined to make her gardens and lawn the best on the block.

She died 7 months into the pregnancy. But she died knowing her last wish came to fruition. She got to at least hold her son one time. She named him after his father.

I don't know if her husband could deal with her death or not, but after the funeral he disappeared. "Junior" is now being raised by his aunt (my friend's other sister). She adopted him. They all live in a giant house together.

They are so grateful that they have "Junior" around. They both see more and more of their sister in him everyday. May God give that family in Virginia the same joy.

Doc, sorry for such a long reply. I just wanted to thank you for the article because after reading it I called my friend. We had a great talk. We laughed until we cried and cried until we laughed. It made my day.
on Aug 04, 2005

Doc, sorry for such a long reply. I just wanted to thank you for the article because after reading it I called my friend. We had a great talk. We laughed until we cried and cried until we laughed. It made my day.

No appologies necessary.  I see you already knew what life was all about.  As did your friends sister.  I am sorry her husband lost that message in his grief.

on Aug 05, 2005
This is absolutely wonderful Doc! So wonderful for life in general and wonderful to read udigit's response as well!
on Aug 05, 2005

This is absolutely wonderful Doc! So wonderful for life in general and wonderful to read udigit's response as well!

I am honored he shared on my article, but that would stand by itslef as an excellent article as well.  There is a lot to learn in his story.