Here in Central VA, we have a situation. It seems some shady developers (redundant I know) built some sub divisisions (pricey ones) and FORGOT to tell the residents that there was a quarry near by!
The Clown Commissioners errrrr sorry, county Commissioners did not deign to check out the neighboring county to see what they were doing with the land on their side of the border.
Long story short, a Quarry has been there for 30 years, mining and blasting. Now the Home owners are demanding the quarry leave! OMG! How terrible!
Excuse me please? Whose fault is this? I blame first the developers. They should have done their homework. Second, I blame the clown commissioners. They should have done some checking! Third, I blame the homeowners! Hey! I bought a submarine house during a drought! I found out during the rainy season! Fault? Miine!
Who do I not blame? The Quarry operators! They have been blasting and mining for 30 years!
I equate this with the doofuses that buy a house on an airport aproach pattern! Hey stupid! The airport was there! You just did not do your homework! It is not like this quarry sprang up over night. And any doofuss could have done a simple search of surrounding property!
Too lazy too? Get a good real estate agent, or sue them for not telling you! But leave the company alone. They did not lie, decieve or try to hide what they were doing. And I dont give a diddley damn if they have deep pockets or not. It is your screw up not theirs!
Sheesh! What a bunch of mamas boys! Pathetic.