This adage was demonstrated amply this past week by the Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania who crashed a funeral for a marine who Died while serving in Iraq. As the news accounts put the level of crassness:
Lt. Gov. Catherine Baker Knoll went to the July 19 funeral of Staff Sgt. Joseph Goodrich, passed out her business card and made a remark about the state government being against the war, family members said.
A sister in law was very direct (and probably has more class in her pinkie) when she stated:
"Whether you're for the war or against the war, to say something like that to a relative of someone who just died in combat was just repulsive,"
One problem, beyond her crassness, with the Lt. Governor's remarks about the state's support or non-support of the war in Iraq. is as Gov. rendell pointed out:
"It's not the business of state government to support the war, but our state supports the men and women who are fighting this war," Rendell said.
At least he has the class and decency to have not made a political statement at a funeral (like the ghouls did in Minnesota after the death of Senator Wellstone).
You sometimes wonder if the democrats have any class whatsoever? Well, some do. Just not a lot of them.