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Lemon Chicken not prepared by French Chef
Published on July 21, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Apparently some of the prisoners at Gitmo have decided that no one is paying attention to them, so they have gone on a hunger strike.  Officials are monitoring their health.

Which is kind of funny.  If they were free and not blowing up little children, they would probably be starving anyway.  I guess they feel guilt at eating well while their 'blow up brethren' are not eating at all!

Why are we monitoring their health?  I know, because we are not the animals they are.  But it still seems a waste of taxpayer money when we have starving children in Appalachia.

Wonder where all the socialist lilberals are (Disclaimer - that is a subset of liberals, I am not calling all liberals socialist).  They should be yelling at the Administration for not feeding the poor of America and feeding the scum of the earth.

on Jul 21, 2005
let em starve.
on Jul 21, 2005

let em starve.

I am willing to donate some pork chops to their cause.

on Jul 21, 2005
They (detainees) pull this sort of shit all the time. Since they're not eating their food, maybe the Soldiers watching over them can have their expensive meals instead of DFAC crap and MREs.
on Jul 21, 2005
If you can starve the handicapped in the US, then someone who willingly opts to deny themselves food and die for a political statement should have the right to do so.

" They (detainees) pull this sort of shit all the time. Since they're not eating their food, maybe the Soldiers watching over them can have their expensive meals instead of DFAC crap and MREs."

nah, the "Pork-to-Nutrient" level is way too low. Soldiers need their daily allowance of lard.

on Jul 21, 2005

I know MRE's, what are DFAC?

on Jul 21, 2005
Dining Facility
on Jul 21, 2005

They (detainees) pull this sort of shit all the time. Since they're not eating their food, maybe the Soldiers watching over them can have their expensive meals instead of DFAC crap and MREs.

Damn!  You out smarted me!  That is a fantastic idea!  Thank you!  I wish I had thought of it!

on Jul 21, 2005

If you can starve the handicapped in the US, then someone who willingly opts to deny themselves food and die for a political statement should have the right to do so.

I hear it is euphoric! We should let them have a last thrill.

on Jul 21, 2005


I know MRE's, what are DFAC?


What she said!  My mother's cooking was so bad, I thought the DFAC had great chow as a kid!

on Jul 22, 2005
I can read the headlines now...

on Jul 22, 2005

can read the headlines now...


Sad, but true.  So do we start a pool whether it will be the NYT, the Washington post, or LA Times that does it first?