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If he gets his way
Published on July 21, 2005 By Dr Guy In Sports & Leisure

Tim Brown, Mr. Raider of the 90s, was resigned for a day so he could retire a Raider.  He holds almost every receiving record on the Raiders nd is one of my all time favorite players as he was was never selfish when it came to glory.

Now that he is a retired man of leisure, he is thinking about buying a Nascar team!  If he does, I am going to be rooting for his team all the way.  I have never been interested in watching a bunch of guys (and an occassional girl) run around a track full of left turns, but that may change!

Here's to you Tim!  You already have fans even if you dont have a team yet!

on Jul 21, 2005
Doc, being from Virginia I already thought you were a NASCAR fan.
And I thought you being a Raiders fan you would have been an Earnhardt fan.
on Jul 23, 2005

Doc, being from Virginia I already thought you were a NASCAR fan.
And I thought you being a Raiders fan you would have been an Earnhardt fan.

I was born here, but spent my youth all over the world.  Just settled back here after college.  SO no, I never got into Nascar.  Why should I be an Earnhardt fan?