Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Any Brains left?
Published on July 14, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Now I know we have had many articles on what works to stop the spread of STDs, and avoid Pregnancy.  And indeed while abstinance may not be the only solution, no one can argue that practicing it is always 100% effective.  But kids being kids (and adults being adults as well), we know it is not going to practiced all the time.  The wrold is not edenic any more.

But to trash Abstinence just because you cant keep your pecker in your pants, or your knickers pulled up is just total stupidity!  There is nothing dangerous about abstinance.  It hurts no one (and no ladies, blue balls is not a fatal male disease).  So why not let it be preached as ONE OF the ways to stop teenage pregnancy and STDs?  The Catholic Church, no right wing conspirator there, touts it. 

But no, these wack jobs think that anything that interferes with sex at any cost (and hence their agenda of Abortion as the only option apparently) must be denigrated and belittled.  Scorned because you are not destroying life!

The more these loony loopy luddite liberals (note for the easily Offended - see earlier article if you think that applies to everyone left of center) screech and howl, the loonier they get, and the less in touch with Ma and Pa and Sis and Bro America.  NARAL has really left the reservation this time.

And it leaves the right laughing, and the center scratching their heads and wondering how the hell they can support people who cant seem to state a single rational idea without appearing like escapees from Bellevue.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 15, 2005

If these people were truly serious about slowing the spread of disease and unwanted pregnancy they would include the only 100% sure method as a part of their platform instead of deriding it because it hints at the possibility that certain moral values are actually a good thing and is counter to their primary platform of abortion as the best method of birth control

The bolded part lays bare their bald faced lie.  For it is their supposed position that Abortion should be used as a last resort, yet in their actions, we see it is their primary resort.

Abstinance may not be the only solution, but as you correctly note, it still is the best for those who are willing to try it.

on Jul 15, 2005

Having said that, promoting abstinence only can be dangerous.

You would expect the Catholic Church to compromise their beleifs because not everyone is Catholic?  There is nothing wrong with NARAL promoting other choices, but to dismiss one, and the only one 100% guaranteed against pregnancy and STDs is fine for bar room humor.  It is not for a supposed responsible organization.

on Jul 15, 2005

I think this is sooo important, and something that prolifers and prochoicers and rightwing and leftwing should be able to come together on.

The sane and rational on both sides agree with that statement, and can work together to minimize pregnancy.  NARAL's only agenda is to maximize it.  To the detriment of all their victims.

on Jul 16, 2005
The problem with most sex education programs is, "abstinance" is more of the comic relief section of the class than a real part of the curriculum. If I can pick on Myrrander's comment, it is a perfect example of what I mean:

In the pretend world where we all sip on fairy dew and hug rainbows, abstinence only education works. Here in reality -- something you have trouble with -- it just doesn't fly. Abstinence is only one part of the story, and a rather ineffectual part at that.

The fact is, abstinance IS treated as though it is a "Fairy dew and hug rainbows" concept. The attitude of the teacher (and the pathetic curriculum) all but tells the kids that whether they like it or not, (or whether they're ready for it or not) they are going to have sex while they're teens, so they might as well just give up any hope of even trying to resist.

If the same attitude was taken in Drivers Ed classes, when it came to car accidents, they would teach "well, you're going to get in accidents, so why bother trying to avoid them. As long as you wear a seatbelt you'll avoid getting hurt anyway, and as far as damage, well, that's what insurance is for...right?

Students need to be taught why abstinance is important. They need to be taught that abstinance is more than just not having sex. They need to be taught that teen sex is self destructive activity every bit as much as drag racing, drugs and alcohol. It is ironic that we teach abstinance in drinking and driving and expect people to take it seriously, but then treat sexual abstinance as a joke. Both are self destructive, people do both no matter what they have been taught, yet one is taken seriously and the other is laughed off as "backward thinking"... I wonder which activity destroys the most lives? Hilarious title!!!! ;~D
on Jul 16, 2005
Absinance is the most effective method... but with sex on TV, News, media and so on, sex as a compulsion for the human animal, as well as exploration, and the fact that teen pregnancy will happen, I think it is fair to say that its the best method but not the one that works 100% with the human race.

Abstinince is part of the solution, not THE solution because as humans we can not do abstinance as a group.

It is best to also teach what to do when you do have sex as well as trying not to because they WILL have sex sooner or later. Teach intelligence and know-how so they can learn how to deal with situations and peer pressure instead of saying 'stick sand stones may break your bones'.

Teach them how to take care of their bodies when they do have sex as well as when the choose not to.
on Jul 16, 2005
Abstinince is part of the solution, not THE solution

This is what I'm teaching my daughter: the best way to not get pregnant and not get an STD is to simply not have sex. However, if you find that you cannot refrain from having sex, here's what you need to do to take care of yourself...(insert speech about appropriate forms of birth control here).

THAT'S what I'd like to see taught in schools. A back up plan in case the 'just say no' plan fails.
on Jul 18, 2005

It is ironic that we teach abstinance in drinking and driving and expect people to take it seriously, but then treat sexual abstinance as a joke.

Exactly!  That gets you a cookie!

on Jul 18, 2005

I think it is fair to say that its the best method but not the one that works 100% with the human race.

No, you misspoke.  It does work 100% of the time, it is just not used 100% of the time.

And I agree that it is part of the solution, not the only solution.  But to denigrate it serves no good purpose.

on Jul 18, 2005

THAT'S what I'd like to see taught in schools. A back up plan in case the 'just say no' plan fails.

It is always toughest with your own kids.  My oldest daughter was very unfortunate in that she got an STD early in her sexual life (she is only 22, and has not been a Virgin for the last 3-4 years).  Now she has to live with it for the rest of her life, and she may never have children because of it.

I wish she would have practiced abstinance, but once they are 18, the law says give them the key to the chastity belt.  OUr job is done.

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