Now I know we have had many articles on what works to stop the spread of STDs, and avoid Pregnancy. And indeed while abstinance may not be the only solution, no one can argue that practicing it is always 100% effective. But kids being kids (and adults being adults as well), we know it is not going to practiced all the time. The wrold is not edenic any more.
But to trash Abstinence just because you cant keep your pecker in your pants, or your knickers pulled up is just total stupidity! There is nothing dangerous about abstinance. It hurts no one (and no ladies, blue balls is not a fatal male disease). So why not let it be preached as ONE OF the ways to stop teenage pregnancy and STDs? The Catholic Church, no right wing conspirator there, touts it.
But no, these wack jobs think that anything that interferes with sex at any cost (and hence their agenda of Abortion as the only option apparently) must be denigrated and belittled. Scorned because you are not destroying life!
The more these loony loopy luddite liberals (note for the easily Offended - see earlier article if you think that applies to everyone left of center) screech and howl, the loonier they get, and the less in touch with Ma and Pa and Sis and Bro America. NARAL has really left the reservation this time.
And it leaves the right laughing, and the center scratching their heads and wondering how the hell they can support people who cant seem to state a single rational idea without appearing like escapees from Bellevue.