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Bullets soaked in Pig Blood.
Published on July 13, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

The California National guard is under fire for a flier that states they were going to dip bullets in pig blood before firing them at, I would gather, Muslims.

At least it is the Muslims that are up in arms about it.  But one has to ask why?  If they are going to be in the cross hairs of a National Guard Rifle, it pretty much means they have already committed enough sins to prevent them from getting into ValHalla (oops, wrong religion) heaven anyway.  And if these supposed peaceful Muslims are decrying the violence of the animals, what would they care if the bullets were dipped into pigs blood. They have already been denied that right by killing innocent women and children.

It would only matter if these supposed 'peaceful' Muslims dont really believe their own hype and truly think these animals are going to heaven after killing innocent women and children.  And if that is the case, how 'peaceful' can they really be?  They may not be pulling the trigger, or detonating the bombs, but by their quiet or overt support, they are supporting the animals.  And that, in any civilized land, is called an accessory.  They may not get death for it, like the perp could, but they do not get a walk either.

It is time that these murdering animals to stop being coddled.  And for the real accessories to their crimes to be tried and convicted as accessories.  It wont get the citizens deported, or the death penalty, but maybe it will dry up the support for the barbarous animals.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 13, 2005
Why bother dipping bullets? Just fly bombers over them and drop porkchops.
on Jul 13, 2005

You assume every person shot is a terrorist. Innocents get shot too.

Never fear. There's no such thing as hell, remember?
on Jul 13, 2005

Greeat idea! You could even put a drop of pig blood into hollow points! If that don't send the bastard to hell nuthin' will... I could really care less who's religion it insults, to be honest.

To be honest, it insults no ones.  For the last I checked, Animals had no souls.

on Jul 13, 2005

Wouldn't also matter to the Members of the National Guard who are Muslim? They wouldn't be able to load their guns would they?

You know Shades, you have a nasty habit of bringing reality to these things!

Ok, Uncle!  You got me! again!

Grrrmnbllblllbeee.  That guy was a real jerk!  And a loser in my book!

on Jul 13, 2005

"Peace activists spotted the fliers during a tour last week."

We know how much they really care about peace.

Just look at all those protests at the embassies where terrorists come from.

yea, but Shades did point out the falacy.  She is bad about that!

on Jul 13, 2005

Why bother dipping bullets? Just fly bombers over them and drop porkchops.

As long as the pilots are not muslim, that would work!

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