Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Published on July 12, 2005 By Dr Guy In Humor

"Teen Allegedly Confesses to Creating Worm"--headline, Associated Press, July 5

I knew kids were arrogant, but now they are playing God!

"Queen Most Successful Act in UK Chart History"--headline,, July 5

I did not know she was a pop singer!

"Geldof Condemns Violence Before G-8 Summit"--headline, Associated Press, July 5

After the summit, knives and clubs at 10 paces!

"Mich. Family Filled With Champion Spitters"--headline, Associated Press, July 4

Just goes to show not all the rednecks are in the south!

"Supporters Rally for NYC Olympics Bid"--headline, Associated Press, July 5

But the Bras set this one out.

"CBS News Explores Storytelling"--headline, Los Angeles Times, July 6

They are finally getting around to looking into memogate!

"Study: Plants Storing Lethal Chemicals"--Associated Press, July 6

New Axis of evil, Turnips, Cabbage and Collard Greens!

"Passersby Stop Stabbing on Street in NW"--headline, Washington Post, July 6

You got to watch out for the passerby stabbers!  Nasty critters.

on Jul 12, 2005
I liked most of these...very amusing usual
on Jul 12, 2005

I liked most of these...very amusing usual

Glad to provide a dose of laughter.

on Jul 14, 2005
very good, Doc

"Queen Most Successful Act in UK Chart History"
when I was first reading that I first thought Queen Elizabeth but when I seen chart history I thought Elton John.

"Geldolf Condemns Violence Before G-8 Summit"
after reading that my first thought was Bush bitchslapping Chirac.

"Mich. Family Filled With Champion Spitters"
my first thought there was I didn't know Gaylord Perry was living in Michigan.

and finally "CBS News Explores Storytelling"
first thought there was if they want to hear some REAL storytelling they need to be at my house when I come home at 3 in the morning.
on Jul 14, 2005
when I was first reading that I first thought Queen Elizabeth but when I seen chart history I thought Elton John.

You trying to outwit me?
on Jul 14, 2005
"Mich. Family Filled With Champion Spitters"
my first thought there was I didn't know Gaylord Perry was living in Michigan.

I liked THIS one myself...

But, of course, being the baseball buff I am, my first thought when I saw the title of the movie "Closer" was, "They're doing a bio on Lee Smith?"

Great job, dr...sorry for the hijack (yeah, right!)
on Jul 15, 2005

Great job, dr...sorry for the hijack (yeah, right!)

UDigit already hijacked this one.  I think I am going to find the headlines and then email them to him so he can write the sub headings!