"Teen Allegedly Confesses to Creating Worm"--headline, Associated Press, July 5
I knew kids were arrogant, but now they are playing God!
"Queen Most Successful Act in UK Chart History"--headline, ContactMusic.com, July 5
I did not know she was a pop singer!
"Geldof Condemns Violence Before G-8 Summit"--headline, Associated Press, July 5
After the summit, knives and clubs at 10 paces!
"Mich. Family Filled With Champion Spitters"--headline, Associated Press, July 4
Just goes to show not all the rednecks are in the south!
"Supporters Rally for NYC Olympics Bid"--headline, Associated Press, July 5
But the Bras set this one out.
"CBS News Explores Storytelling"--headline, Los Angeles Times, July 6
They are finally getting around to looking into memogate!
"Study: Plants Storing Lethal Chemicals"--Associated Press, July 6
New Axis of evil, Turnips, Cabbage and Collard Greens!
"Passersby Stop Stabbing on Street in NW"--headline, Washington Post, July 6
You got to watch out for the passerby stabbers! Nasty critters.