Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Every Member should wear one.
Published on July 11, 2005 By Dr Guy In Humor

on Jul 11, 2005

pardon my ignorance...what is NARAL?
on Jul 11, 2005
National Abortions Rights Action League.
on Jul 11, 2005
National Abortions Rights Action League.

action league? what do they do?? abortions in public squares??
on Jul 11, 2005

HAHAHAHA, gotta have one!

It would look good on you!

on Jul 11, 2005
My daugher (16yo) and I were talking the other day about one of her friends who had earned a college scholarship. Our conversation went something like this.

"I had a four-year scholarship to Johnson & Wales University in RI, but I didn't end up going."

"Because you had me" (not a question, but rather a statement).

"Yes. I've never regretted it... not even for a moment."

"Thank you so much for having me... for not giving me away... for not aborting me."

Talk about sobering moments. Great T-shirt.
on Jul 11, 2005

action league? what do they do?? abortions in public squares??

Dont know.  I never asked them.

on Jul 11, 2005

Talk about sobering moments. Great T-shirt.

Great story!  Thanks for sharing.

on Jul 11, 2005
---action league?what do they do??abortions in public squares??---

---They would if they could.---

They would never do it in public squares. Never.
But pay-per-view? Hell yes!!

Nice pic, Doc. .. any young woman who uses abortions as "birth control" should see that pic.
on Jul 11, 2005

They would if they could.

post partum too!

on Jul 13, 2005

They would never do it in public squares. Never.
But pay-per-view? Hell yes!!

Yea, nothing in life is free!