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For the people of the world to Grasp its insanity?
Published on July 8, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

One of our frequent posters wrote a very revealing article on 9-11 and 7-7 (WTC and London).  IN it, he revealed part of the European mentality that escapes so many Americans.  We have several UK Posters here at JU, and a couple of immigrants from across the pond from the UK.  And while the latter have tried to explain things to us natives, for the most part, Americans scratch their heads and say OK.  Not really understanding the mind set.

Yesterday, England became a member of a select, but rapidly growing club.  Those who have suffered at the hands of Islamic Terrorists.  It is not like England was not familiar with Terrorists, as they have had to deal with the IRA for years.  Indeed, England is not alone on the European continent in having had to deal with home grown terrorists in the past as Spain has had the Basque Separatists for years as well.

But this is different.  For even in their barbarity, home grown terrorist had a rhyme and reason and a true end that stopped short of annihilation of the host.

These do not.  Yet, I have to wonder where the outrage was in Europe for the 3-11 attack in Spain.  Sure, as one poster pointed out, they caved after it, but that did not make the hundreds of innocent people any less dead.  And the sentiments expressed by one over the "America got its come uppance" cannot be transferred to the Spaniards who have not been a threat to anyone outside of Spain since the 18th century.

So why did it take an attack on their home soil to see the inevitable truth of the war on terror?  Why did they not mourn and sympathize with the Spaniards killed in an equally dastardly attack 2 years ago?  Is this something that must be felt up close and personal before every civilized nation on earth stands up and squashes these vermin?

Apparently it must.  And hence while the French and Germans may pay lip service to the Spaniards and Brits, that is all it is at this point.  They will not have the outrage that the Americans, Brits and Spaniards have over these acts.  Until it hits home.

Hitler made a grave mistake when he opened up the second front in his war before closing the Western one.  And the Islamic Terrorists are making the same grave mistake now.  If they concentrated on one country, the USA, to the exclusion of all others, the USA would eventually be isolated in its zeal to get rid of them as the rest of the world would weary of our belligerence and berating.  But by spreading their terror to all countries, they are uniting the world in one giant alliance that will destroy them, and perhaps cripple Islam if they do not clean up their house first.

I do not pretend to understand the European Mindset.  But I really think they don't understand it either.  They think they do, yet their actions belie their words.  Tis is not an intentional lie on their part.  It is human nature to gloss over that which we pretend to understand, instead of delving into it deeply.

Israel is the charter member of this new league.  The members are now a handful, and through the hate the terrorist spread, it will continue to grow.  Someone asked if we could expel all Islamics from this country.  While I doubt (and hope) that does not occur, the truth is, in short order, they will not be allowed out of their sandbox.  And when they do manage to make it to another country, Devil's Island or Gitmo will await them.

There will always be some Zapateros, Kerrys and Deans.  But it is becoming clear with each attack, that their voices grow weaker and less relevant. The appeasers will always be here, but they will rapidly become a museum piece, enshrined to make sure we know what happens when a Neville Chamberlain or Jose' Zapatero try to appease the unappeasable.

We mourn today for our English Brothers.  As we mourned for our Spanish brothers, and the Israeli women and children that have suffered.  As with the Australians in Bali. The Appeasers would have us believe it is all our fault.  But reality has a habit of showing appeasers the folly of their ways.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 08, 2005
Is it just me, or has anyone else noted the silence of the lambs? (i.e. the liberals)
on Jul 08, 2005
Is it just me, or has anyone else noted the silence of the lambs?

Over at the DU yesterday they were eating their own. People were saying that it was Bush and Blair who had no respect for humanity, some posts were removed due to their offensive content, and others were bitching at those who were blaming Bush and Blair....a real division.

But to answer your question, yes, I have seen distinct LACK of rabid liberal response to this attack.
on Jul 08, 2005
The cleanup and recovery are going on, the british police are lookig for the bombers. The threat level for the transit system has been raised to Oragne (although I am not quite sure why tell us, how can you be more vigilant), Blair is at Downing street. Thoughts and prayers are going to the Londoners.

Statements of sympathy have gone out from our branches of governemt.

It was a dispicable act. The perpetrators will be hunted down and tried. We stand together against the evil that was done and those that support it.

What do you wish them to say?

on Jul 08, 2005

Over at the DU yesterday they were eating their own. People were saying that it was Bush and Blair who had no respect for humanity, some posts were removed due to their offensive content, and others were bitching at those who were blaming Bush and Blair....a real division.

Damn!  I wish you had posted a link.  Now I will have to go fishing.  That should be fun for some yucks and quotes.

on Jul 08, 2005

What do you wish them to say?

Say? Nothing.  Do?  A lot more than issue false platitudes.  You should also read some of the articles by the brits for the inspiration.

But in the end, this was not so much a slam against those nations that have not been hit.  This was an acknowledgement of the fact that until they have been, they dont appear serious about the fight on terrorism, or its reprecussions.  One would have hoped that the world learned the lesson of appeasement with Neville Chamberlain.  Sadly, we know that not to be the case.

on Jul 08, 2005
But as you said, there are different types of liberals. It seems from what I am readin gin the other posts, many are painint liberals with as broad a brush as possible.

This was an acknowledgement of the fact that until they have been, they dont appear serious about the fight on terrorism,

But don't you think that is the case in general? People genreally do not take action against something until it affects them personally either through a family member or friend.

on Jul 08, 2005

But as you said, there are different types of liberals. It seems from what I am readin gin the other posts, many are painint liberals with as broad a brush as possible.

I should have said the liberal leadership, which is the same of the LLL left.  I applogize for the implication that it meant the rank and file.

on Jul 08, 2005

But don't you think that is the case in general? People genreally do not take action against something until it affects them personally either through a family member or friend.

Unfortunately yes.  It should not, and I was hoping that this evil would be confronted by the civilized world.  But I see that it is going to be one country at a time.

on Jul 08, 2005
I should have said the liberal leadership, which is the same of the LLL left. I applogize for the implication that it meant the rank and file.

I rhink that if the rank and file from both parties got together we would find more opinion similarities than differences, but to me the ultra-conservatives are so intent on staying the course and proving that they are right (no pun intended) that they are somewhat myopic and any option the left puts forth is immediatle discounted, and by the same token the far left is so concerned with getting thier voice heard, or flexing thier reduced power or "stopping the cons" that the idea of compromise becomes an anethma.

on Jul 08, 2005
Damn! I wish you had posted a link. Now I will have to go fishing. That should be fun for some yucks and quotes.

To be honest, I didn't think about it. You should go look at the London discussion thread #3. That's still got some pretty good stuff on it....
on Jul 08, 2005

I rhink that if the rank and file from both parties got together we would find more opinion similarities than differences

Dont ever lose that thought.  For while the Loony left controls the party, the loony right (or righteous to be onomotopeic) does not control the right.  Time for the left to take back their party so we can have a 2 party system.

on Jul 08, 2005

To be honest, I didn't think about it. You should go look at the London discussion thread #3. That's still got some pretty good stuff on it....

Thanks.  I will look in on it.  Sounds like they are imploding.  Hatred does that.

on Jul 08, 2005
When I was a teenager the some of the girls used to have a cutesy little teenage term for that look you have when your hair is all messed up and that vacant look in your eyes because you just woke up. They called it, "The freshly raped look".

This term served them pretty well all through high school and into college. One of my sister's friends woke up in her dorm one night to catch a man standing next to her bed. Of course, she screamed holy terror, which was enough to scare the scum away.

Needless to say, among my sister's friends, the term "freshly raped look" wasn't so cute anymore.

For some reason for some it takes a rape, while for others only the threat of rape to realize that rape is a reality.

For the U.S. it took almost 30 years of threats of rapes and rapes of our "coeds" in other "dorms" to get us to reallize that the scum isn't going to run just because we scream.
on Jul 08, 2005
we are starting to see a few kind libs start to hollah!! for blood. about time I say.
on Jul 08, 2005
So why did it take an attack on their home soil to see the inevitable truth of the war on terror? Why did they not mourn and sympathize with the Spaniards killed in an equally dastardly attack 2 years ago?

Because we're winning the war on terror, didn't you hear the news?!


-- B
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