Standing in for Howlin Howie this week is none other than the blonde with no blonde hair, Maxine Waters. Not to be outdone by Howlin Howie, she recently pontificated:
"The president is a liar," she continued. "Dick Cheney, the chief architect of the Big Lie, is not only a liar, he is a thief." She accused Cheney of helping his former company Halliburton rake off illicit war profits in Iraq.
Of course like any charge from the left, no evidence is needed to back up her claims. After all, if a member of the loony loopy luddite left states it, it must be true, and their loyal lap dogs in the Mainstrem Media will just parrot the charges knowing that they do not have to provide proof either.
If DC was a 3 ring circus, we know who the clowns would be.