Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
In a very clever way
Published on July 5, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

Reid has basically thrown down the gauntlet over Sandra Day O'Connor's replacement.  He has picked out 4 republican senators as shoe ins:

Seeking a possible consensus nominee, Reid recommended Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Mel Martinez of Florida, Mike DeWine of Ohio and Mike Crapo of Idaho.

All Fine Legislators and all with a common background.  The US Senate.  Seems he does not like the 55-45 split I guess.  When asked about another senator, one who actually has state SC experience John Cronyn of Texas, he stated:

'I've told you (the ones) I think he should consider.' 

Seems he wants only republicans in state where they have a better than a snowball's chance in hell of replacing them with a Democrat.

And it has just started!  I hope the 14 stick to their agreement, but given how many "voted for the agreement before they voted against the agreement" I doubt it.

It is going to be a long hot summer! 

on Jul 05, 2005
Wonder why George Allen was not among them?  Va does have a Democrat governor!
on Jul 05, 2005
I'm sorry, but Justice Crapo?

Can you hear the commedians cheering?

on Jul 05, 2005

I'm sorry, but Justice Crapo?

Can you hear the commedians cheering?


IG?  As in Iggy?  !

You can find the funny bone in any story!  Yea, that is a great one!

on Jul 05, 2005
It just struck me funny.

Justice Crapo is now seated.

Justice Crapo releasing a dissenting opinion.

IG = Info Geek
on Jul 05, 2005
I doubt Reid realized the joke he was making, but it was about as transparent a charade as has been seen in awhile. What a remarkable coincidence that the top 3 candidates in his opinion just happen to be Senators from the other party. He apparently has no idea what fools he takes us for.

on Jul 05, 2005

IG = Info Geek

I know, but that was a great one liner! {doffs my chapeau to Info Geek!}

on Jul 05, 2005

I doubt Reid realized the joke he was making, but it was about as transparent a charade as has been seen in awhile. What a remarkable coincidence that the top 3 candidates in his opinion just happen to be Senators from the other party. He apparently has no idea what fools he takes us for.

Neither Reid or Daschle strike me as very intelligent.  Beligerant yes.  INtelligent no.  Like Bulls in a china shop.

on Jul 05, 2005
Neither Reid or Daschle strike me as very intelligent.

The interesting thing is that before becoming Minority leader, Reid was very intelligent and his voting record was one step short of being considered Moderate. Just listen to his speech on requesting Private accounts to save SS a few years ago and the long list of subjects that the Republicans produce recently that he changed his mind on. He campaigned as "An Independent, just like Nevada", this last time around. Most Nevadans (like me) was hoping that he would pull the Democratic Party from the great big insanity abyss that it recently fell into.

It is like aliens had swapped or brainwashed him (remember he is from Searchlight near Area 51).

If he was kidnapped, whoever did it, we (moderate Nevadans) will pay the Ransom.

If he was brainwashed, maybe we can get the local expert on the subject Art Bell to get one of his mind melding friends to break the evil hold on Reid. Sign-up for the cornering party the next time Reid is home is below.
on Jul 06, 2005

Most Nevadans (like me) was hoping that he would pull the Democratic Party from the great big insanity abyss that it recently fell into.

Instead, the loony side of the party pulled him over to their side.