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A true Hero
Published on July 3, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

For those who have not lived in my area in the last 30 years, the name probably means nothing. Indeed, he is one of the thousand points of light that Bush I talked about.  Long before Bush I was president.

He died today.  May the angels take him and keep his widow in peace.

Thomas Cannon was never a rich man.  He worked for the USPS for almost all his life, and never amassed any fortune.  Why?  because he gave it all away.  not to This scam or that scam.  But to people in the area who underwent a bad misfortune.  His money was never solicited. nor was it ever asked for.  he did it out of the love of his heart!

He gave away $150k in 33 years.  Just because people were in worse shape.  10 years ago, his house was falling down, and the citizens of Richmond bought him and his wife a new one.

He was the richest man that Richmond ever knew.  With his passing, a part of the city died as well. He was what made richmond a great place, despite the crime.

I know you have never heard of him.  now you have.  Perhaps your lives are a little richer for hearing a true story of a great man.

Thomas Cannon, Via con Dios.

on Jul 03, 2005
May we all be lucky enough to be or know a Thomas Cannon.
on Jul 05, 2005
Yes indeed we are richer for having had an angel like him here on earth. Thank you for sharing that
with us, it gives us hope for the day.
Just think, if each and everyone of us just did one "tiny little thing" for one human being everyday,
the world would be so much better....Thomas Cannon did wonderous things! his whole life. Inspirational Dr. Guy!
on Jul 05, 2005

Thomas Cannon did wonderous things! his whole life. Inspirational Dr. Guy!

In this day and age, where we make celbrities and sports stars into heros, it is the Thomas Cannons who are really the great men and women.  IN a city not known for a lot of good things, Thomas Cannon brought a kind and caring face to it, and all who live here are the richer for it.

Thank you for your comments.

on Jul 05, 2005
He sounds like the kind of person who can restore a person's faith in his fellow human beings. It's always sad to lose such an obviously good and caring person. We need more people like him.
on Jul 06, 2005

We need more people like him.

I agree.  The city lost a little bit of heaven this past weekend.