Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
As seen by a Conservative
Published on June 30, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

Gideon recently wrote an article on the polarizing effect that the left is playing on American Society today.  It was about one issue, yet it got me to thinking.  What is going on with the left today?

I don't mean only the leadership.  But ma and pa liberal who hold liberal values dear, or Johnny Liberal who is a dyed in the wool liberal and knows his stuff.  And of course the loony loopy left that has taken over the leadership.

I see the left in 3 parts (I am sure you can see the right in 3 parts as well, but that is for another article). 

On the right of left, you have the centrist Liberals.  These are the ones that are more moderate than liberal, but hold many liberal views on social welfare and perhaps even the war.  But they are embarrassed, openly, by the screaming and vitriol of the loony left and the democrat leadership.  While they agree with some of the issues that the leadership espouses, they don't want anything to do with those who call the soldiers baby killers, and the hate Bush to spite the nose crowd.  They are very rational, and do argue well their position because they do not carry the baggage of the hate crowd.

Then you have the typical liberal.  These are the ones that are probably environmentalist, Pro Choice for women period, and of course the social welfare liberals.  They share very few views with any right of center people and debate them vigorously.  They have their own agenda, yet they can argue without resorting to hate and vitriol.  They rarely concede a point, but you can tell when they have run out of arguments or tire of the chase.  They walk away.  They rarely if ever resort to name calling.  And while they do not disavow the loony loopy leadership and other liberals, they don't defend them either.  They ignore the crazies on their side of the spectrum, I think in the hope they will go away or get laryngitis.

Then you have the loony loopy Luddite leftists.  I think we all have seen who they are, from the Durbin "Nazi" and Dean "I hate" ones to the ones shown by Dr. Bailey.  These don't have any real arguments and hardly ever debate.  They will twists what you say to what they want you to say so they can attack you and belittle you.  And call you names.  Not mild oaths like stupid and idiot, but 4 letter invectives and of course the famous Nazis, Fascists, racists, homophobes, bigots, sexists and Neocons (although none really know what that means).

These are the polarizing left and as we have seen time and time again, they have grabbed control of the democrat party.

The right seeing this, and seeing what it is doing to the country, try to reason with them.  That does not work.  So they try to warn all lefties that they are being led down the path to hell by the loons. 

The Centrist liberals see that too and despair.  And try to stop the rabid erosion of the party.

The Liberals see that as well, but feel they must stay in bed with the loons as they are a minority party, and they need to build up their numbers (forgetting that the loons are the ones that are killing the numbers).

And the loons see nothing wrong.  The truth is as plain as the space where their nose on their face used to be.  The more they hear their echos of hate and self loathing, the happier they are because they think they are connecting with the American public.  They will not only attack any rightie with zeal, but any leftie that strays too far off the reservation.  In essence, they are eating their young.

I don't see this situation changing until the loony loopy Luddite lefties are marginalized.  And that wont happen until the other 2/3 of the party abandon them and move to grab the center away from the righties.  For the righties don't own the center, but the center looks to the left, sees the rabid attack dogs and seek the security of the right to protect them and their loved ones against the rabid ones.

I know none of the LLL lefties will read this and see anything but ignorance and hatred.  And the middle of the left will see some to agree with, but dare not agree with it for fear of attack from the LLL.  And the Left Center? They are the ones going to be going "Damn right!  But you missed a spot!" (Of course they cant outright agree with a rightie, now can they?)

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 30, 2005
This is true for both parties as well. I think the problem for the left though is people hopping on the bandwagon. You have hippy kids thinking it is the sixties, a time for revoultion and change, spouting off and not making sense because there to stoned to realize whats going on. It isn't necessarily a bad thing, I just believe they should tak a little time and be able to back up a claim that they make. But I do know Righties that are the same, mainly christian fundamentalists who are conservative because they just believe they should be. Either way, those people, on both sides, are the ones that make either party look whacky.
on Jun 30, 2005

But I do know Righties that are the same, mainly christian fundamentalists who are conservative because they just believe they should be. Either way, those people, on both sides, are the ones that make either party look whacky.

I conceded that point in the article.  The difference for the right is their loons are not running the party (except if you talk to the loons on the left).

on Jun 30, 2005
I realized that you made that point in your article. As far as the loons not running the right, that is all just a personal observation. Someone who has a radically different view than mine may look like a loon to me, but if another guy has they exact view as him, then he doesn't look loony to that guy. There are loony people everywhere, both sides, and from every angle. That is what I believe makes it interesting.
on Jun 30, 2005

As far as the loons not running the right, that is all just a personal observation.

That is why I stratified the left.  According to the loons of the left, everyone left of Mao is a loon.  But according to the liberals and the left centers, they can see that Jerry and Pat are not running the party like Dick and Howie are running the left.

Yes it is a matter of personal observation.  But only the LLL left think the loons on the right are running the right. That leaves the other 80+% of the american populace to wonder what planet they are from.

on Jun 30, 2005
I think the problem for the left though is people hopping on the bandwagon. You have hippy kids thinking it is the sixties, a time for revoultion and change, spouting off and not making sense because there to stoned to realize whats going on. It isn't necessarily a bad thing, I just believe they should tak a little time and be able to back up a claim that they make.

I agree. Sadly, many of our youth are just uneducated. They can tell me they hate Bush, but can't give one solitary reason when asked to explain why they hold those beliefs. Unfortunately, the same is true for many children of conservatives. Makes me wonder what we're teaching them in school... anything? I also bear some of the responsibility myself, as a parent. I don't want my daughter to grow up republican simply because her parents are. I want her to examine both parties and what they stand for, and then made an educated decision as to which side best supports her beliefs. Admittedly, I could be doing a much better job of encouraging her in that.

I don't mind a teenager disagreeing with my political views, but give me a reason why you disagree and let's discuss it.
on Jun 30, 2005

I don't mind a teenager disagreeing with my political views, but give me a reason why you disagree and let's discuss it.

You think I got 2 conservatives and 2 on the way?  WHile they do not articulate their liberal views very well, they are what I would call left Centrists.  They are smart enough that they at least parrot the left when it comes for their disdain for bush, altho they really dont know why it is so.  They are the soud byte generation.

on Jun 30, 2005
I don't mind a teenager disagreeing with my political views, but give me a reason why you disagree and let's discuss it.

You want a logical argument from a teenager? "To dream, the impossible dream"

My girls aren't there yet, but I remeber being a teenager. Yes my daugher back when thee were only three clear channles on the tube. Everything is confused impulse. you know you like something, you just don't know why. BR>
So, Where would Coulter and O'Riley fall in the right spectrum?

on Jun 30, 2005

You want a logical argument from a teenager? "To dream, the impossible dream"

!  Just wait!  It gets better!

So, Where would Coulter and O'Riley fall in the right spectrum?

O'Reilly is not really right.  He trashes both.  he is an entertainer.

Coulter?  She is probably borderline on the far right 3rd.  But I think she does it more for effect than belief.  She is too smart to be on the loony side.

But that is just IMHO.

on Jun 30, 2005
True that. I'm a conservative, and not the moderate kind, either. But I do think the Christian Right is led by loons, and I'm damn glad they don't call the shots for my faction these days.
on Jun 30, 2005
Coulter just likes attention
on Jul 01, 2005

True that. I'm a conservative, and not the moderate kind, either. But I do think the Christian Right is led by loons, and I'm damn glad they don't call the shots for my faction these days.

That is the main difference between the left and the right today.  Those on the opposite side of the fence from you quietly acquiesce to the domination of their agenda by the loons.  While the 'conservatives' strive to make sure the loons on the right do not grab the reigns of power.

on Jul 01, 2005

Coulter just likes attention

She gets mine!

on Jul 03, 2005
I would be intrested how u classify the Lefties of JU. dabe and myrrander are probly loony loopy luddite left, right? Is PhoenixBoi center left? And what about NJForever: is he typical liberal? What do you think Dr Guy? Good article.
on Jul 03, 2005

I would be intrested how u classify the Lefties of JU. dabe and myrrander are probly loony loopy luddite left, right? Is PhoenixBoi center left? And what about NJForever: is he typical liberal? What do you think Dr Guy? Good article.

I was wondering if anyone would ask!  I really did not think of any Aussies or other non-American as some point out, our left is their right.  But if pushed, I would put PB as a liberal.  Along with kingbee and Thatoneguyinslc.  NJ, Joekowledge, Philomedy and Zoomba are left center as is Texas Wahine (sorry Tex, I just dont see you as a Liberal republican).

Along with Dabe and Myrr on the loony fringe, I would also place Zinkadoodle, but he is new, so his may change.

on Jul 03, 2005
Coulter just likes attention

She gets mine!

Of that, I have no doubt.
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