In a direct snub to DC, The Rhode Island senate has passed, 33-1, a bill to allow medical marijuana to be grown and used by patients
More power to them! While the SCOTUS grabs more and more power for the government, it is refreshing to see that the states, especially some of the liberal ones, are thumbing their nose at the Feds!
The feds cannot dictate to the states what laws are enforced, and the FBI is not the SS yet. During the 55 mph debacle, many western states complied with the letter of the law (max Speed 55), but did not enforce it or just slapped a $5 fine on violaters. Now it is the NE states (NH and Souter, RI and MM) that are doing the same thing.
I salute these states and hope the fever spreads!
While this may seem to be a very liberal thing, in actual fact it is a very libertarian thing (read conservative). We can only hope this rebellion grows against the growing power of the feds (Yes Bush is part of it, but not the instigator, nor is it a left right thing).
The Feds have far too much power, by the purse string. In that, at least, Bush did lessen it a wee bit by reducing taxes. many complained that their reduced federal taxes were eaten up by the states. Good. Why send money to washington just so they can dictate how you spend YOUR money!
Live Free or Die!
you go Rhode Island!