Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.

IN another blow to their facade, PETA has been shown to not be trying to adopt out abandoned pets, but to callously kill them.  They claim they were unable to find homes for these animals but it is clear they were not looking. 

IN a study done, it was found that while the SPCA (a very worthy and noble organization) placed upwards of 85% of its wards, PETA only placed 14%.  That is scandalous if it had been done by a Daisy Mill Puppy Farm, much less by an organization that 'talks' about the ethical treatment of animals.

But it is not surprising.  They are a sham outfit that has only dollar signs in their eyes and headline grabbing stunts to fund.  They are lower than pond scum, for pond scum cannot help but be what it was born to be.

These people work hard at being the most unethical and hypocritical bastards this planet can produce.  I guess that is why they work so hard at it, cause there are a lot of unethical and hypocritical people they are in competition with.

Comments (Page 3)
3 Pages1 2 3 
on Jun 25, 2005
Terrorists of
on Jun 26, 2005

Terrorists of

Another great one, but Animals should be in there.  WOrks with Animals too!

3 Pages1 2 3