Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.

IN another blow to their facade, PETA has been shown to not be trying to adopt out abandoned pets, but to callously kill them.  They claim they were unable to find homes for these animals but it is clear they were not looking. 

IN a study done, it was found that while the SPCA (a very worthy and noble organization) placed upwards of 85% of its wards, PETA only placed 14%.  That is scandalous if it had been done by a Daisy Mill Puppy Farm, much less by an organization that 'talks' about the ethical treatment of animals.

But it is not surprising.  They are a sham outfit that has only dollar signs in their eyes and headline grabbing stunts to fund.  They are lower than pond scum, for pond scum cannot help but be what it was born to be.

These people work hard at being the most unethical and hypocritical bastards this planet can produce.  I guess that is why they work so hard at it, cause there are a lot of unethical and hypocritical people they are in competition with.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 23, 2005
You do your generation very well! I hope you have many contemporaries that are as smart and wise as you are!

Thank you!

And the rest of your post was dead on! You can be my ghost writer next time!

Thanks again! Hrmm....ghost writer....sounds good!

on Jun 23, 2005
*sigh* Only another reason to not send PETA a Christmas Card....seriously, I really hate when they have to support "animal rights" and now they senselessly dispose of them...hmm, makes you think. I'm against animal abuse but I still believe that many of them are delicious and if they're killed humanely then I don't mind using their carcass in a practical, clothing, etc. If you go and start killing animals and not using them.....I tend to have a problem with that or perhaps I'm just crazy.

on Jun 23, 2005
It's insane hey? Killing animals because you they see why they should live? They're kinda playing God...
I suppose i wouldnt mind if you killed an animal that has no chance of surviving because it's badly hurt or something, but just because you didnt find (or tried to find)) a home for it? It's heartless...
on Jun 23, 2005
Isn't this the Liberal repsonse, though? Euthanizing the unwanted, whether handicapped, unborn, or whatever?
on Jun 24, 2005

*sigh* Only another reason to not send PETA a Christmas Card....seriously, I really hate when they have to support "animal rights" and now they senselessly dispose of them...hmm, makes you think. I'm against animal abuse but I still believe that many of them are delicious and if they're killed humanely then I don't mind using their carcass in a practical, clothing, etc. If you go and start killing animals and not using them.....I tend to have a problem with that or perhaps I'm just crazy.

I think the vast majority of people are just like you.  I know I am.

on Jun 24, 2005

It's insane hey? Killing animals because you they see why they should live? They're kinda playing God...
I suppose i wouldnt mind if you killed an animal that has no chance of surviving because it's badly hurt or something, but just because you didnt find (or tried to find)) a home for it? It's heartless...

Makes you wonder why they call themselves ethical when the evidence is clear they dont care about the treatment of animals, just getting rid of them.

on Jun 24, 2005

Isn't this the Liberal repsonse, though? Euthanizing the unwanted, whether handicapped, unborn, or whatever?

Perhaps in another thread.  Today we are just talking about a contemptible organization.  I think revealing their duplicity is a non political issue.

on Jun 24, 2005

IN a study done, it was found that while the SPCA (a very worthy and noble organization)

The ASPCA is a worthy organization, but I wouldn't label the "SPCA" the same.  The SPCA is independent per state.  There are *many* examples where the SPCA took animals from legitimate breeders and/or homes which showed no neglect.  There was a 20/20 (or 60 minutes...on of the two) that followed one county's SPCA and found numerous cases where they took animals without just cause and then sold the animals.

Of course, the SPCA also may "adopt out" more animals because they are confiscating pure breds and then "adopting" them out at a fraction of what the pure bred is worth......

on Jun 24, 2005
To me, this revelation just highlights how shallow and self-serving the members of PETA are. Seems they just want to be in on a trendy cause, but don't want to make the necessary commitment to actually do anything to finding homes---any homes, good OR bad---for unwanted pets.

Whenever I hear a PETA story, I'm inclined to tell the tale of how they came, a few years back, to northern West Virginia and Eastern Ohio to tranquilize as many deer as possible, so orange vests could be put on them in advance of the coming hunting season. Theory apparently was that, since the rule is that you can't shoot when you see an orange vest, the hunters would avoid shooting them, thereby saving their lives (only to probably starve to death later, of course, when the deer population was out of control without enough food for them all, but PETA's members are much too short-sighted to think that far ahead).
As it turned out, the orange vest fiasco caused a record hunt that year; hunters from all over the area sent letters and e-mails to PETA, thanking them for the kills and inviting them to come back the next year. They declined.
on Jun 24, 2005

The ASPCA is a worthy organization, but I wouldn't label the "SPCA" the same. The SPCA is independent per state. There are *many* examples where the SPCA took animals from legitimate breeders and/or homes which showed no neglect. There was a 20/20 (or 60 minutes...on of the two) that followed one county's SPCA and found numerous cases where they took animals without just cause and then sold the animals.
Of course, the SPCA also may "adopt out" more animals because they are confiscating pure breds and then "adopting" them out at a fraction of what the pure bred is worth......

I speak for Virginia.  Here, they have no authority to do anything but pick up and care for strays and try to adopt them out.  And they run a very good ship.

on Jun 24, 2005

To me, this revelation just highlights how shallow and self-serving the members of PETA are. Seems they just want to be in on a trendy cause, but don't want to make the necessary commitment to actually do anything to finding homes---any homes, good OR bad---for unwanted pets.

They remind me of the barnyard animals of the little Red Hen.  They dont want to do the real work, just eat the bread (read: Get their ugly mugs on TV for throwing paint on some poor unsuspecting person - or releasing a few thousand minks to starve in the wilderness).

on Jun 24, 2005

I speak for Virginia. Here, they have no authority to do anything but pick up and care for strays and try to adopt them out. And they run a very good ship.

Unfortunately, that is not the case is most states.  Most of them can get a county official to sign paperwork that allows them to confiscate animals that they deem are being "abused" even if there isn't real proof.  By the time the people can fight it- their pets are already sold.

One example on the documentary was this time they confiscated this dog that was being "abused" only to find out that the dog looked bad because the dog had Cushings.  I could relate to how pissed off the owners were, considering that one of my dogs has severe Cushings and looks like hell.  However, I can guarantee that he is taken care of better than a lot of humans are considering that we import his drugs from the UK, have him on antibiotics once a month to keep infections down (can't get his teeth cleaned because we can't put him under) and pay $65 a month for his blood pressure meds- to the tune of close to $115 a month in just meds for him.  But, if you saw him, you would think that we were starving him to death and he had some untreated skin problem.

People seem to have such low common sense when it comes to caring for animals.  We also have very few "environmentalist" groups that even seem to have the slightest clue on population control and how "wild" animals really live.  All in our need to control the planet.....

on Jun 25, 2005
Whenever I hear a PETA story, I'm inclined to tell the tale of how they came, a few years back, to northern West Virginia and Eastern Ohio to tranquilize as many deer as possible, so orange vests could be put on them in advance of the coming hunting season. Theory apparently was that, since the rule is that you can't shoot when you see an orange vest, the hunters would avoid shooting them, thereby saving their lives (only to probably starve to death later, of course, when the deer population was out of control without enough food for them all, but PETA's members are much too short-sighted to think that far ahead).As it turned out, the orange vest fiasco caused a record hunt that year; hunters from all over the area sent letters and e-mails to PETA, thanking them for the kills and inviting them to come back the next year. They declined.

That is hilarious!!!
on Jun 25, 2005

People seem to have such low common sense when it comes to caring for animals. We also have very few "environmentalist" groups that even seem to have the slightest clue on population control and how "wild" animals really live. All in our need to control the planet.....

Unfortunately, this is very true.  I guess I am lucky to have a good SPCA.

on Jun 25, 2005

That is hilarious!!!

I agree

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