Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Is not good for the Gander
Published on June 21, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

Rep. John Hostettler said the following:

"Like a moth to a flame, Democrats can't help themselves when it comes to denigrating and demonizing Christians,"

Democrats called for his censure.  Yet he was only speaking the truth for was it not the democrat leader who said:

"There's something the matter with that. And Republicans, I guess, can do that because a lot of them have never made an honest living in their lives."

"They pretty much, they all behave the same and they all look the same. And they all, you know, it's pretty much a white Christian party."

"hate Republicans and everything they stand for"

Now, I don't know about you, but if Dean states, Republicans are a white Christian party, and that he hates them and everything they stand for, is that not by transference saying he hates white Christians and everything they stand for?  Ands is that not demonizing them?

It seems that before the Clowns in the house call for anyone's censure, they should censure their own leadership, or at least repudiate it.  Hostettler was merely stating facts.

on Jun 21, 2005
Liberal Mantra:  Do not listen to what we say, just what we tell you to hear.
on Jun 21, 2005
Actually, Hostettler didn't really put up a fight--he willingly amended his own statement and asked for the withdrawl of of that sentence from the Congressional Record:

Mr. OBEY. Mr. Chairman, I move that the gentleman's words be taken down.

The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman will suspend.

The Clerk will transcribe the words.

[Time: 16:26]
Mr. HOSTETTLER. Mr. Chairman, I ask unanimous consent to withdraw the last sentence I spoke.

The CHAIRMAN. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Indiana?

Mr. OBEY. Mr. Chairman, reserving the right to object, I think the House needs to understand why I objected to the language of the gentleman.

As I understand it, the language that the gentleman is saying he will withdraw is the following: ``Like moth to a flame, Democrats can't help themselves when it comes to denigrating and demonizing Christians.''

The amendment that was being debated was to ensure religious freedom at the Air Force Academy--surely that is not something that you oppose?

Note: I have edited this post because on re-reading, I see you addressed my question in your article.
on Jun 21, 2005
Liberal Mantra: Do not listen to what we say, just what we tell you to hear.

hmmmmmmm...some Priests say something similar to that....
on Jun 21, 2005

Note: I have edited this post because on re-reading, I see you addressed my question in your article.

Which one?  I am dying of curiousity!

You are no fun when you are insanely happy!  But stay a bore!  I would rather you happy than a feisty opponent!

on Jun 21, 2005

hmmmmmmm...some Priests say something similar to that....

The Defrocked ones.  That is a matter for a different article.

on Jun 21, 2005
The Defrocked ones.

they frocked themselves
on Jun 21, 2005

they frocked themselves

That is one way of putting it.  Ok, smile accepted!