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HIS book should be Flushed!
Published on June 21, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

Robert "Sheets" Byrd just came out with a sort of autobiography recently.  In it, he tries to down play his participation in the KKK with pap such as the following:

Byrd says he viewed the Klan as a useful platform from which to launch his political career. He described it essentially as a fraternal group of elites--doctors, lawyers, clergy, judges and other "upstanding people" who at no time engaged in or preached violence against blacks, Jews or Catholics, who historically were targets of the Klan.

You see?  He just thought it was an Elks' club.  Not a hate group!  He was misunderstood!

The only problem is that he had other writings, writings from 60 years ago that have come to light.  IN a letter to Sen Theodore Bilbo, a DEMOCRAT, Byrd wrote:

--that he would never fight in the armed forces "with a Negro by my side." Byrd added that, "Rather I should die a thousand times, and see old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels."

And Blacks think this cretin has their best interest at heart?  Byrd sounds more like Hitler than any other politician in Washington today.

on Jun 21, 2005
just another example of the dread "DEMOCRATIC DEMENTIA" how soon the dems forget.
on Jun 21, 2005

just another example of the dread "DEMOCRATIC DEMENTIA" how soon the dems forget.

They may, but the written word is hard to deny!

on Jun 21, 2005
Good lord, if that quote is fact, how utterly hypocritical are Dems for downing Trent Lott for the unintentional insensitivity, and supporting a cretin like Byrd...
on Jun 21, 2005
Good lord, if that quote is fact, how utterly hypocritical are Dems for downing Trent Lott for the unintentional insensitivity, and supporting a cretin like Byrd...

It is in a letter he sent to Bilbo and found in 1987. It is indeed a fact.
on Jun 21, 2005
To me, it isn't so much that Byrd was a racist way back when, but how the left is so unforgiving of any off-hand remark from the right but so quick to forget about the blatant racism of their own.

Such sentiments should be used more as a reflection of how acceptable such racism was at one time and how far we have come since.
on Jun 21, 2005

To me, it isn't so much that Byrd was a racist way back when, but how the left is so unforgiving of any off-hand remark from the right but so quick to forget about the blatant racism of their own.

To me it is both.  one that he tries to whitewash his true nature and involvement in his memoirs, and 2 that they would crucify Lott for being nice to an old man, and practicing (Durbin?  Dean?) the exact thing themselves.