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Do the clowns even try to analyze any more?
Published on June 20, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

From our local home rag:

Virginia's tax receipts are growing faster than those of any other state on the East Coast. In the first quarter of this year, Virginia's haul from taxpayers grew at the fifth fastest rate in the country.

Uh, could this possibly be due to the Billion dollar Tax increase the Governor rammed through last year?

Hey clueless Richmond Times Disgrace!  It was in all the papers including yours!

What a bunch of morons!


on Jun 23, 2005
Have you known the Times-Disgrace to be consistent? For soothe and for shame! At best, they're consistently inconsistent.

My wife and I read it more for the chuckles over the inaccuracies and inconsistancies in their reporting.

on Jun 23, 2005

My wife and I read it more for the chuckles over the inaccuracies and inconsistancies in their reporting.

I don't read the paper version.  Cant stand the thought of killing trees for that rag.  I just read the on line version.  They are as consistent as diarrhea!