In what can only be described as a squirmin Durbin, Dick the dick head Durbin is trying to say that he was only reading from an FBI memo.
Problem is, the memo he quoted from has nothing of what he said, and indeed nothing of what he alleged.
No reference to Pol Pot, No reference to Stalin, no Reference to Hitler.
But he made them. And now he is trying to squirmin his way out of his recorded (Note for the Bloggers: not a blog recorded) statements.
And therein lies the problem. His statements are on the congressional RECORD. Not a blog. Not Fox News, not World Net daily.
And he was dead wrong, he is dead wrong and he will be dead wrong.
Ok, that is old news. many have blogged (read: opinionated) on that. But now comes the kicker.
The democrat party leadership will not distance themselves from it! No! They are embracing it!
So the democrat leadership thinks our soldiers are 'soldaten'. Religious followers of not only nazis (who are supposed to be right wing but in actual fact are left wing), but also The worst of the communist which there is no question is leftist!
Did he attack Bush (as is the favorite, albeit idiotic target of the left)? No! he attacked you brother, sister, uncle and father! calling them the worst of the worst and the scum of the scum and the democrat leadership is endorsing him!
I have but one question to ask you on the left. Do you hate Bush so much that you will stand for this crap? Is your hate so deep that you cant even reputidate an idiot that agrees with you?
How do you expect any sane person to agree with you when you insult their family for doing what they are ordered to do!
have you gone so far in your hatred that now you hate anyone that is just doing their job as ordered?
And before you give me the Nazi example, please provide your own example of how they are being nazis.
And you know what is more pathetic? None on the left will even respond. Silence is their answer. Slurs by proxy is their weapon.