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Did the Dems shoot themselves in the foot?
Published on June 16, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

The Senate just confirmed 3 of the 10 filibustered nominees.  One in particular was interesting,  it was Bill Pryor and it was very close.  53-45.

Now the interesting thing is that 3 republicans voted against him! (Rhode Island's Lincoln Chafee and Maine's Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe).  So if they democrats had allowed his vote prior to 04 when they picked up 4 seats, the vote could very easily have been (since it was 51 R and 48D with 1 Turncoat), 48-52! (all three listed above were there in the last congress).

So by Filibustering this nominee, they guaranteed his confirmation!

I thought the Democrats rhetoric was just plain stupid.  Now I see it is the democrat (leadership for the qualifier impaired) themselves that are just plain stupid.

on Jun 16, 2005
Oops, did da dems screw up! ;~D
on Jun 16, 2005

Oops, did da dems screw up! ;~D

Sure as hell looks like it!  But when you are irrational, you tend to do stupid stuff to stay that way.

on Jun 16, 2005
Yeah it backfired on them for sure. But in all fairness to them, they had no way of knowing they would be losing seats.

Personally I wish they would all just do their jobs and get on with it.
on Jun 16, 2005

Yeah it backfired on them for sure. But in all fairness to them, they had no way of knowing they would be losing seats.

Personally I wish they would all just do their jobs and get on with it.


They had the fricking votes!  They are so filled with hate that they would cut off their nose to spite their face!

they had a bird in hand!  Now?  They got bird poop!

on Jun 16, 2005
Keep in mind that there's no guarantee that the RINO turncoats would have given away the votes if there was a chance their individual votes would have been the ones that caused a defeat for the President's nominees.

As things stand now, they have the luxury of voting against the judge, but they know he'll get through. They can double talk the voters back home by saying that they voted against the extremist, but they can still get support from other party members by not having blatantly stopped the nomination by themselves.

It's hard to say for sure that the Democrats really screwed themselves on the vote, but you do have to note that they were able to make the poor man wait for several years before joining the bench.
on Jun 17, 2005

As things stand now, they have the luxury of voting against the judge, but they know he'll get through. They can double talk the voters back home by saying that they voted against the extremist, but they can still get support from other party members by not having blatantly stopped the nomination by themselves.

I am sure there would have been a lot of arm twisting on both sides.  But the vote is still a stinging slap to the democrats and their tactics.  And I am sure a lot of the loony left are exploding right about now.