Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Or, Dean needs this course 101
Published on June 15, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

Dean says:

"Republicans never made an honest living in their lives," described the Republican Party as ''pretty much a white, Christian party," and declared that House majority leader Tom DeLay of Texas, who is facing ethics questions but has not been charged with any crime, ought to go back to Houston where he can serve his jail sentence.

Senator Orin Hatch, a Republican says:

''This is racial demagoguery, pure and simple, done by the chairman of the national Democratic Party.  If I didn't know how bright he was, I'd call him a raving idiot."

We report, you decide.

on Jun 15, 2005
even though he is a bit unstable at times, I still like him because he was one of the few prominent Democrats to have the balls to oppose the war, unlike John "$87 billion" Kerry
on Jun 16, 2005

even though he is a bit unstable at times, I still like him because he was one of the few prominent Democrats to have the balls to oppose the war, unlike John "$87 billion" Kerry

You are a man of your convictions.  Stick with him until he joins the HMS Titanic.

on Jun 16, 2005
"A bit unstable"? I still think he's a raving lunatic.
on Jun 16, 2005

"A bit unstable"? I still think he's a raving lunatic.

To the left, it is a bit.........