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Stupid is as stupid does
Published on June 10, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

In what can only be seen as an affirmation of Howard Dean, organized a demonstration against a US House of Representative, Mike Rogers of Michigan(R) at his home office.

The problem is the purpose of the demonstration was against the wrong Mike Rogers!  The one they had a 'beef' with is a Mike Rogers from Alabama.

So it seems that agrees with howie, and all those white christian republicans look alike to the bigots of!

on Jun 10, 2005
hey Howie.........Prejudice comes in all colors!  Did your mother beat you as a child????
on Jun 10, 2005
LMAO, too rich. It's like talking politics while drinking at a party. You really don't realize that you've drank a bit too much and you're talking a bit too loud until people start looking at you funny.

Must not work with Democrats, since they have been doing junk like this for years now and they keep right on doing it.
on Jun 11, 2005

Must not work with Democrats, since they have been doing junk like this for years now and they keep right on doing it.

Yea you know to the democrats, all people of color (white is a color too) look alike!