Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
She would not be the smartest lady alone in a room!
Published on June 8, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

Well, since Moderateman and Terpfan beat me to the latest Deanisms, I have to search for other idiotic statements made by liberals.  And it did not take me long to find one.  Of course a self professed genious (I met one once, he was not a genius). 

So what does Hillary the smartest lady in the world say:

it's another one of these inconvenient facts that he's the first president in history that took us to war and cut taxes at the same time.

Uh, let me clue you in Ms. Stupid.  How about John Fitzgerald kennedy (not to be confused with John Effing Kerry).

Does Vietnam not ring a bell?  You got fat dumb and lazy off that war.  But I supposed you just imagined he never cut taxes, so in your own little myopia, you were not lying.

Perhaps not lying, just plain stupid.

on Jun 08, 2005
Stupid or lying? Not sure which is worse in this case. Of course, she could be both, solve that little dilemna
on Jun 08, 2005

Stupid or lying?

A politician lying?  I have never heard of such a thing!

on Jun 08, 2005

I love this quote as well:

"There has never been an administration, I don't believe in our history, more intent upon consolidating and abusing power to further their own agenda," said Mrs. Clinton, whose own administration collected FBI files on opponents and had accusers audited by the IRS.

on Jun 08, 2005
I think the thing that really bugs me is the fact that many rightwingers...or people who aren't leftists....base the entire leftist party off of its most prominent members. Just because they get the most attention doesn't mean they represent the leftist party as a whole. Yet you all seem convinced that every liberal is jsut as idiotic and stupid as the famous ones who make the stupid and idiotic statements. And then you yell at us for making generalizations. Not everyone is as completely out of it as Hilary Clinton, or Howard Dean, or all the other people who cna't watch their tongue and get their words right, yet many of you make it out to be as if we are all like that.

Cheers, Pads
on Jun 08, 2005

Yet you all seem convinced that every liberal is jsut as idiotic and stupid as the famous ones who make the stupid and idiotic statements. And then you yell at us for making generalizations. Not everyone is as completely out of it as Hilary Clinton, or Howard Dean, or all the other people who cna't watch their tongue and get their words right, yet many of you make it out to be as if we are all like that.

If you read even a fraction of my blogs, you would see that we are not assuming anything of the rank and file democrats.  But I dont feel it is necessary to qualkify every blog I write about the stupidity of the left leadership by saying this is about the left leadership.  You will also note that as far as I know, so far no one has said "yea the left - in general - is like that".

It is you with the thin skin, not conservatives.  If you cannot tell the difference between "Hillary Clinton said........" and "Hillary Clinton speaking for all democrats said......", then you need a refresher course in the english language.  A very difficult language indeed, but it can be at least mastered to a degree of reading comprehension required for reading blogs.

on Jun 08, 2005
I think the thing that really bugs me is the fact that many rightwingers...or people who aren't leftists....base the entire leftist party off of its most prominent members. Just because they get the most attention doesn't mean they represent the leftist party as a whole. Yet you all seem convinced that every liberal is jsut as idiotic and stupid as the famous ones who make the stupid and idiotic statements. And then you yell at us for making generalizations. Not everyone is as completely out of it as Hilary Clinton, or Howard Dean, or all the other people who cna't watch their tongue and get their words right, yet many of you make it out to be as if we are all like that.

Cheers, Pads

Hey, now! We get that all the time from your side.

Know what else is funny, DG? That the Clintons collected FBI files on people and had enemies audited....the same abuses of power used by Nixon, of whom Clinton said, in 1973, that he should resign for such things.
on Jun 08, 2005
I think the thing that really bugs me is the fact that many rightwingers...or people who aren't leftists....base the entire leftist party off of its most prominent members. Just because they get the most attention doesn't mean they represent the leftist party as a whole. Yet you all seem convinced that every liberal is jsut as idiotic and stupid as the famous ones who make the stupid and idiotic statements. And then you yell at us for making generalizations.


Yes, many do this. I assure you, though, that I am personally not among those. I used to BE a member of the left, until it was made increasingly clear that there was no room for moderates among the left. When a PAID DNC campaign chairman told me that they were ignoring the poorest neighborhood in town based on phone polls (knowing full well that many poor don't have phones, and thus, can't respond to polls if they wanted to), when a militant leftist doctor tried to steal my children due to ideological differences, and when I was told that my prochoice position that doesn't advocate for federally funded abortion on demand was not extreme enough, I had frankly HAD enough. NONE of these leftists were prominent party members, ALL were among those with whom I had personal experiences.

I have said repeatedly that if more moderate leftists such as yourself want to reclaim your party, you really should try to marginalize these nutjobs and FAST...when you lost me you lost a pretty dedicated activist...and I don't see myself returning anytime in the near, or far, future!
on Jun 08, 2005
Not everyone is as completely out of it as Hilary Clinton, or Howard Dean, or all the other people who cna't watch their tongue and get their words right, yet many of you make it out to be as if we are all like that.

Cheers, Pads

Not all, but most. Think of all the people who actually vote for people like Ted Kennedy and Barbara Boxer.
on Jun 08, 2005
Let's not forget that Adolf Hitler was the "greatest mind of the 20th century". Look where that got us.+LOL+