Kerry Vietnam tour: 120 Days
Kerry Promised to sign his 180 form: 127 days ago.
And so it goes.
Hehe...I saw the title and thought "umm...pretty much everything?!"
Eh? What is that you say sonny? Let me get my hearing aid!
Yea, unfortunately, so is my Acne!
Sure, dont you read them?
If I mis read you, I appologize. I took your 'never served' comment to mean that I have no room to talk. As one who has lost friends and family and the only thing that kept me out was a college deferment was that I was a coward.
My Appologies. I am sorry I did not get yoru meaning the first time.
I can add very well. And thank you for subbing in for the Fazz and helping me with my spelling.
I would also suggest you read the accounts of his crew mates, in contradiction to his book, for a better understanding of his 'Gridley' Service. Be careful what you read from Kerry. A proven liar and exagerator.