Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Most of us are not Ogres
Published on May 23, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Phoenixboi recently did an Aaaaaarrrrrgggggg.

Moderateman recently did an Aaaaaarrrrrgggggg.

Baker, Ted and others did mini ones.

And the problem is that all are right,  And all are wrong.

The problem is we have stopped learning to disagree.  We all have our opinions and facts, and we can present them in 100 different ways!

in the end, intelligent people will disagree becuase (shock!), absolute truth will not be made apparent to mortals!

So we must guess and use our reasoning on it and hope to convince others.  But in the end, we will fail in some cases, suceed in others and mark our failures higher than our sucesses.

And we should not.  For in each argument, we shed some truth.  So today, they dont agree with me.  Tomorrow, on a different arguement, they may.  Or we may with them.  For even in defeat we learn.

So stop the Arrrgggggghhhhh!  Debate away!  We will never all agree, but at least we will understand others and in that, we will then sharpen our own beliefs so that next time, we may agree, or convince you.

Absolute truth belongs to God (for the atheist, you have no absolutes, sorry).  For the rest of us, we debate in degrees, and in so doing, we get all get closer to the truth.

Nuff Said.

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 23, 2005

I dont do Arrrrggggghhhhhs.  Either they are with total idiots, or with just differeing opinions.  Hey, i dont agree with SLC, but I do with some of his points.

ANd I hope kingbee is resurrected too!  We will miss him if he comes back as a cow (Hindus!)

on May 23, 2005
although I agree with this article, I must disagree with it. heh heh heh
on May 23, 2005
Good stuff Dr Guy! in the end it is all about debating and having fun.. otherwise.. aarrghhhhhhhhh~!! ...

on May 23, 2005
although I agree with this article, I must disagree with it. heh heh heh

just like a certain senator with a certain $87 billion?
on May 23, 2005
Hehe, good article Dr Guy. And too much aaaaaarrrrrggghhhs cant be good for your heart.
on May 23, 2005
Reply By: latour999Posted: Monday, May 23, 2005although I agree with this article, I must disagree with it. heh heh hehjust like a certain senator with a certain $87 billion?

no, yes, wait, ummmm no, well on 3rd thought yes, no.. damn it A frim no, maybe, yes.
on May 23, 2005
although I agree with this article, I must disagree with it. heh heh heh

can we agree on that?
on May 23, 2005
Good stuff Dr Guy! in the end it is all about debating and having fun.. otherwise.. aarrghhhhhhhhh~!! ...

Arrrggggghhhhh! Back to you PB! Thank you for the inspiration!

We will agree to disagree!
on May 23, 2005
just like a certain senator with a certain $87 billion?

Arrrggghhhh! Which one?

No.not that one!

Ok, we will disagree!
on May 23, 2005
Hehe, good article Dr Guy. And too much aaaaaarrrrrggghhhs cant be good for your heart.

No IG! Arrrrrrrggghhhhh! Is good for the heart! for it releases the tension, and acomplishes nothing!

Try it! A release. Arrrrrrrggghhhhh!
on May 23, 2005
no, yes, wait, ummmm no, well on 3rd thought yes, no.. damn it A frim no, maybe, yes.

Now you have it! Way to go! Now repeat after me.

Arrrrrggggghhhhh! Aha you mateys! I have the remote!

on May 23, 2005
I've found sex to be a good remedy for Arrrrggggghhhh!
on May 23, 2005

Is that related to the Black Beast of Arrrghhhh or the Castle Arrrghhhh?
on May 23, 2005
I will see your argggggggg!!!!!! and raise you a OHMYGODIAMCUMMIN>>>
on May 23, 2005
Pfft. Screw that. Crush your enemies. See them driven before you and hear the lamentation of their women. You'll all be kneeling at the throne of Bakerstreet the Merciless someday, bank on it.
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