Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
WVA Democrats at that
Published on May 18, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

The link requires a registration, so I am doing a cut and paste on the important part:

With their $5.5 billion pension bond proposal, Democrats in West Virginia are promising voters that Wall Street will average better than 7.5 percent returns annually for the next 30 years. Most of that money will be used to shore up the teacher pension plan.

If Wall Street is good enough for their teachers, then it should be good enough for my kids, who will face 30 percent cuts in their Social Security when they retire.

President Bush ought to visit West Virginia and endorse this pension bond plan--and double-dog-dare Sens. Bob Byrd and [Jay] Rockefeller to denounce the $5.5 billion pension bond as a "risky scheme."

So the Democrats in the home state of Robert "Sheets" Byrd not only endorse Bush's plan, they are jumping the gun and enacting it on a state level!  And all the while Sheets is making a fool of himself!

The irony is delicious!  Let us hope that the people who elected their state legislators will think twice before electing the former Klansman again!  He is making a mockery of their votes and denying them a right that the state is seeking to bestow upon them!

Comments (Page 3)
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on May 19, 2005
The issue is NOT investment in the stock market. It is the ability of Social Sceurity to pay the benefits as promised to the baby boomers.
on May 19, 2005

the benefits were promised to my generation as well. You're proposing a continuation of the "rob from the future to pay the present" mentality; I'm proposing its gradual reorganization.
on May 19, 2005
The issue is NOT investment in the stock market. It is the ability of Social Sceurity to pay the benefits as promised to the baby boomers.

WRONG answer! That is "EXACTLY" the issue of this thread! So, now answer Gid's question! Or can you?
on May 19, 2005
unless funding can be found to pay the benefits of the people who are retired; are about to retire and are too old for individual accounts, we have not solved the issue Bush is talking about. The individual accounts are for the generation AFTER the Babby Boomers. We must first fix that problem and creating individual accounts will take money away from the boomers and make that problem worse! The 2042 date after which SS can not pay 100% of the promised benefits will come much earlier if we divert trillions from the trust fund into individual accounts.
on May 19, 2005
unless funding can be found to pay the benefits of the people who are retired; are about to retire and are too old for individual accounts, we have not solved the issue Bush is talking about. The individual accounts are for the generation AFTER the Babby Boomers. We must first fix that problem and creating individual accounts will take money away from the boomers and make that problem worse! The 2042 date after which SS can not pay 100% of the promised benefits will come much earlier if we divert trillions from the trust fund into individual accounts.

This figures.... You don't have an answer for Gidieons question do you? And the reply you gave (#34) doesn't even come close.
on May 19, 2005
WTF do i bother..................
on May 19, 2005

The answer to the question posed by Gidieons is to properly fund the current Social Security program so SS can deal with the increase in Americans created after the second world war. Once that bubble has passed, we will have a situation similar to what we have today in terms of the number of people working compared with the number of people receiving benefits. Today Social Security is actually generating a net surplus and last year it had a surplus of $156 billion. So the issue is to get past the baby boomers by adding to the trust fund. The way you get more money into the trust fund is first invest the money currently in the fund (about $1.7 Trillion)in higher-yielding investments such as equities rather than the treasury obligations the Trust Fund currently holds. Second is to increase the inflow by raising the limit of taxable income for Social Security. This is how you ensure that the system can pay my retiremeny, the baby boomers retirement and the the retirement for Gidieons generation. You don't fix SS by transferring money out of this the trust fund to create individual accounts like Bush is proposing. That is how you will be able to meet the obligations of Social Security to all generations.
on May 19, 2005

The answer to the question posed by Gidieons is to properly fund the current Social Security program so SS can deal with the increase in Americans created after the second world war. Once that bubble has passed, we will have a situation similar to what we have today in terms of the number of people working compared with the number of people receiving benefits. Today Social Security is actually generating a net surplus and last year it had a surplus of $156 billion. So the issue is to get past the baby boomers by adding to the trust fund. The way you get more money into the trust fund is first invest the money currently in the fund (about $1.7 Trillion)in higher-yielding investments such as equities rather than the treasury obligations the Trust Fund currently holds. Second is to increase the inflow by raising the limit of taxable income for Social Security. This is how you ensure that the system can pay my retirement, the baby boomers retirement and the the retirement for Gidieons generation. You don't fix SS by transferring money out of this the trust fund to create individual accounts like Bush is proposing. That is how you will be able to meet the obligations of Social Security to all generations.

I love it!!! You finally come up with an intelligent answer to a simple question and yet you turn it around and make it GW's fault.
on May 25, 2005
Bush is dum just like his daddy and both don't know how to run a country, i dont have a problem with republicans but those two bush's are awful!!!!
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