Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
WVA Democrats at that
Published on May 18, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

The link requires a registration, so I am doing a cut and paste on the important part:

With their $5.5 billion pension bond proposal, Democrats in West Virginia are promising voters that Wall Street will average better than 7.5 percent returns annually for the next 30 years. Most of that money will be used to shore up the teacher pension plan.

If Wall Street is good enough for their teachers, then it should be good enough for my kids, who will face 30 percent cuts in their Social Security when they retire.

President Bush ought to visit West Virginia and endorse this pension bond plan--and double-dog-dare Sens. Bob Byrd and [Jay] Rockefeller to denounce the $5.5 billion pension bond as a "risky scheme."

So the Democrats in the home state of Robert "Sheets" Byrd not only endorse Bush's plan, they are jumping the gun and enacting it on a state level!  And all the while Sheets is making a fool of himself!

The irony is delicious!  Let us hope that the people who elected their state legislators will think twice before electing the former Klansman again!  He is making a mockery of their votes and denying them a right that the state is seeking to bestow upon them!

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 18, 2005
I have been a Republican since 1962

Good for you...

*shakes his head and mumbles* "Damn it, why do i always have to handle the clean up."

"Ok, Dr. Miller,you go to this corner, Dr. Guy, you take that corner, and COL, you take the third corner, now think about what you've said, and when you are ready to apologize, then come tell me and then apologize to each other."

(Seriously though, at times i feel like i'm the only adult here.....)

Bunch 'O wierd peoples.....
on May 19, 2005

Reply By: COL GenePosted: Wednesday, May 18, 2005
You are a lyre.

One cannot be a liar (lyre is an instrument) when expressing an opinion.  SO you are just plain stupid!

Go peddle your book to the other bush haters.  Your hatred is naked and ugly.

on May 19, 2005

drmiler NO, YOU ARE AN ASS

Actually, so far, he is 100% correct, and you are a fool.

on May 19, 2005

The republicans have only a minority of the U.S. population behind them, but they keep winning every election.

Because they convince the moderates they are a better choice than the liberal democrats and hate mongers like Col Klink.

on May 19, 2005

"If" your a moderate republican then I'm "superman"!

Damn!  you mean you cant leap tall liberals in a single bound? I am so disappointed.

on May 19, 2005

"Ok, Dr. Miller,you go to this corner, Dr. Guy, you take that corner, and COL, you take the third corner, now think about what you've said, and when you are ready to apologize, then come tell me and then apologize to each other."

I think I was very restrained until Col Klink started the name calling.  And since it is my pond, I make the rules.

on May 19, 2005
Ar time the name calling gets out of hand. That is wrong and for my part I am sorry. What I think is sad is when comments are made that are factually incorrect such as my party membership and past support for GOP candidates. For the most part, I have researched topics and sight my sources which very often are US Government agencies. When JOEUSERS have no answers they tell me I am wrong when what I am sighting are factual Government data that they believe does not reflect well on Bush. I admit many of the facts I site are not positive toward Bush but that is not my doing but the results of the policies we are following. How can anyone put a positive spin on the fact we have added over $2 Trillion to the national Debt under the Bush policies. The majority of Americans now believe the Iraq War was not worth the price. Yes these things do not reflect well on Bush but they are reality today! It is time the Bush supporters accept that some of the Bush policies have not had a positive outcome and need to be changed!
on May 19, 2005
Because they convince the moderates they are a better choice than the liberal democrats and hate mongers like Col Klink.

They still can't figure that out.

When JOEUSERS have no answers they tell me I am wrong when what I am sighting are factual Government data that they believe does not reflect well on Bush. I admit many of the facts I site are not positive toward Bush but that is not my doing but the results of the policies we are following. How can anyone put a positive spin on the fact we have added over $2 Trillion to the national Debt under the Bush policies. The majority of Americans now believe the Iraq War was not worth the price. Yes these things do not reflect well on Bush but they are reality today! It is time the Bush supporters accept that some of the Bush policies have not had a positive outcome and need to be changed!

We tell you are wrong and we provide real "facts" which backup our statements. You often "post" government "data", but you also use outdated information, and also try to confuse people with it. I don't see anybody putting a "postive spin" on the national debt. People here just show that you focus too much on that one issue without looking at other causes except blaming Bush.

And for you quoting what the majority of Americans want, you are just wrong again. You base your opinoins on polls that support what you say and ignore polls that show the opposite. You never criticize democrats who do worse things or have no answers. That is why you are labeled as a Bush basher. Because you blame everything on Bush without looking at other circumstances.
on May 19, 2005

We tell you are wrong and we provide real "facts" which backup our statements. You often "post" government "data", but you also use outdated information, and also try to confuse people with it. I don't see anybody putting a "postive spin" on the national debt. People here just show that you focus too much on that one issue without looking at other causes except blaming Bush.

Good point.  He also fails to understand that this was not a debate on whether Bush's plan was fiscally sound, only that the Democrats of Byrd and Rockefeller's home states think it is.

And you cant argue with that fact by going off topic Col.

on May 19, 2005
Most of the data that I have cited in my blogs is as of March, April or May 2005. For example I have cited increases in the national debt of just over $2 trillion since January 2001 which is current as of today. I have cited the trade deficit which is just under $700 billion as of April 2005. I cited Bureau of Labor Statistics data that showed the average weekly wage as of March 2005 is less after inflation then March 2004 for 80% of Americans. This data is not old or confusing and comes directly from the federal government. Unfortunately it does not reflect well on our current situation. It is important to understand the underlying causes and it is just as important that we are following effective policies that are able to counter act the underlying clauses and correct the problem. That is what we are lacking in our budget, trade, jobs and border security to sight just a few examples. This is not polls it is hard data that shows the results we have been achieving.
on May 19, 2005
is important to understand the underlying causes and it is just as important that we are following effective policies that are able to counter act the underlying clauses and correct the problem. That is what we are lacking in our budget, trade, jobs and border security to sight just a few examples. This is not polls it is hard data that shows the results we have been achieving.

No what's important is that when people (myself included) come up with hard data that refutes you data...we are labeled as stupid and ignorant.
on May 19, 2005
It is important to understand the underlying causes and it is just as important that we are following effective policies that are able to counter act the underlying clauses and correct the problem.

And that's where you totally miss. You do nothing but blame Bush, nothing else. You don't take in account for any other cause, than it's the fault of Bush, even though we clearly show the difference.
on May 19, 2005
is important to understand the underlying causes and it is just as important that we are following effective policies that are able to counter act the underlying clauses and correct the problem. That is what we are lacking in our budget, trade, jobs and border security to sight just a few examples. This is not polls it is hard data that shows the results we have been achieving.

No what's important is that when people (myself included) come up with hard data that refutes you data...we are labeled as stupid and ignorant.

And here is a prime and shining example of what I'm talking about.Link

Well *col* what have you to say about this?
on May 19, 2005
Your data does not refute the data I used. That is the problem. There is no data that refutes the $2 Trillion increasesd debt. The increase in the trade deficit, the drop in Average weekly wages after inflation. The fact that 3 million people came into this country with no effective action by INS and the Border patrol. The loss of American Jobs to other countries. The fact we have committed over $ 300 Bllion in Iraq with no end in sight. Nothing you could offer changes ANY of these facts. They are the results of the policies we age following!
on May 19, 2005

Show me ONE Democrat who isn't invested in the stock market. If it's a "losing proposition" as the Democrats propose, then why do they invest in it?
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