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Principal wins out over Profit
Published on May 18, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Not everyone is enamored with the latest Jane Fonda movie.  It seems the owner of 2 theaters in Kentucky has banned the beeatch due to her traitorous activity duing the Vietnam war.

They may lose some money in the process, but I think the theater owner just made a lot of friends among Vietnam Vets.

Well done Ike Boutwell!  You just got my support!

on May 18, 2005

Boutwell also banned previous Jane Fonda films, as well as Michael Moore's film, "Fahrenheit 9/11."

Seems he bans liars too!  Guess the loonies on the left are not going to like him.

on May 18, 2005
Guess the loonies on the left are not going to like him.

wait till Newsweek finds this out
on May 18, 2005
wait till Newsweek finds this out


You are right! They will tear up a copy of the film and flush it down a toilet and then blame Ike!
on May 18, 2005
#4 by little_whip
Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Even if they knew who Hanoi Jane was, I doubt they'd care

far be it for me to correct you whip, but hanoijane.. one word just like hanoijohn.
on May 18, 2005
I think it's great that in this era of blatant celebrity worship and short attention spans, that people are stil aware of it at all. I'm glad she's still taking shots for it all these years later; she deserves it all.
on May 18, 2005

Good, maybe Hollywood will riot then, and 15 idiot "stars" will get killed in the melee.

Ah, if we could only name the 15.............

on May 18, 2005

far be it for me to correct you whip, but hanoijane.. one word just like hanoijohn.

Hey LW!  Moderateman correcting someone?  Whoa!  maybe they will riot!

At least I got it right, right Moderateman?

on May 18, 2005

I think it's great that in this era of blatant celebrity worship and short attention spans, that people are stil aware of it at all. I'm glad she's still taking shots for it all these years later; she deserves it all.

That is my contention, and in a way, Little-Whip's as well.  Most of the fans are going to see J-Lo, not the old crone (I hear she is 67).

on May 18, 2005
Glad to hear it, thanks for bringing it to our attention, Dr. Guy!!

When will hanoijane get the "short drop and sudden stop" that she has so richly earned!!!
on May 18, 2005
When will hanoijane get the "short drop and sudden stop" that she has so richly earned!!!

Hopefully not for a long time. For you see, then Satan has her punishment (Dante's 7 levels of hell, she is on the 6th or 7th). Until then, Mod and the rest of us can hound her!