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Learning the lesson from CBS
Published on May 16, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Weel, to their credit, they did admmit they were werong (CBS still has not to this day), but now the White house has gotten into the act, and for a change, they are not being diplomatic about it.

In the latest episode, Newsweek admits the error:

Newsweek's editor, Mark Whitaker, apologized to the victims on Sunday and said the magazine inaccurately reported that U.S. military investigators had confirmed that personnel at the detention facility in Cuba had flushed the Muslim holy book down the toilet.

But (there is always one, is there not), they are not retracting the story! "We are sorry, we got it wrong, but the story is still essentially true".  Sounds like Dan Blather and his two step trying to extracate himself from his memogate!

The White House is not amused!

"It's puzzling that while Newsweek now acknowledges that they got the facts wrong, they refused to retract the story," White House spokesman Scott McClellan said. "I think there's a certain journalistic standard that should be met and in this instance it was not."

Puzzling indeed.  And another in a string of miscues by the MSM that most people stopped counting long ago.  And all for what?  For their naked hatred of George W. Bush.

You see when all youhave is hatred, it breeds and subsumes the mind so that all you have left is a bunch of blithering idiots.  Sounds a lot like the liberal leadership as well.

Wait! the MSM is just the mouthpiece for the liberal leadership, so of course they are going to sound like them!

But this time instead of making some loony liberals foam at the mouth (not hard to do these days), 16 people died and scores more were injured.

Now who has blood on their hands?

on May 16, 2005
Newsweek sounds more like a politician than a member of the 4th estate.  I guess that is only natural since they are so far in bed with the democrats, they are merely an extension of the party.