"Mime Plan's Language Draws Offense"--headline, Boston Globe, May 3
Did he give the finger?
"Concessions Urged As Nuclear Fears Rise"--headline, Associated Press, May 2
Hot Dogs! Get your red hot Hot dogs here!
"Iraq Swears in New Government; One Christian in New Cabinet"--headline, Assyrian International News Agency, May 3
Maybe the Christian will stop them from swearing in government?
"Study: Africa Worst Place for Moms, Kids"--headline, Associated Press, May 3
But dads are safe.
"Defense: England Oxygen-Deprived at Birth"--headline, Associated Press, May 3
Well, that explains the English. What is the French excuse?
"Rehabilitated Dolphins Released in Fla."--headline, Associated Press, May 3
They did the crime, they paid with time! Glad the corrections department works on some species.
"SUV Crashes Into Pool Moments After Leaving College"--headline, Boston Globe, May 3
Dont they teach SUVs anything in those colleges?
"Close Encounters on Rise as UFOs Seize Imagination of Chinese" -- headline, Agence France-Presse, May 3
NOw how are the billions of Chinese going to imagine things?