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Thus says the ACLU
Published on May 6, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

IN what can only be the logical extension of the devaluation of life exhibited in Gideon MacLiesh's article of using Foster children like lab rats, and declaring that anyone that is incapable of feeding themselves is not worthy of life, the ACLU has now declared that a fetus that has transitioned to the post partum stage is not a person.

In a case in Wyoming, a mother has been charged with Child endangerment after her new born son tested posiive to high levels of Methamphetemine.

IN the words of the article:

Foust was in court for a preliminary hearing on a charge of child endangerment. She was arrested last October shortly after she gave birth to a son after blood tests allegedly showed both Foust and the infant had meth in their bloodstreams.

To which the ACLU responded by stating:

The American Civil Liberties Union has criticized Fremont County Attorney Ed Newell for bringing the case. Foust's attorney, Gordon Ellis, said the law shouldn't apply to Foust because a fetus is not a child.

Thus a brave new world has come to fruition, and a baby is not a baby, just a post partum fetus.

So the next time you see some chacko macing a baby, a crack head boyfriend bashing in a baby's head, just remember, they are not people, they are just post partum fetuses.

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 06, 2005
That whole idea makes me sick.
on May 06, 2005
" Actually their population control hasn't exactly been a state secret. I never said it was a fact, nor that I believed it was a certainty. I merely mentioned I had read someplace that they had purportedly halted their population control. Get a grip."

...mmmkay. You believe Chinese propaganda and I'll get a grip. It isn't government mandate, it is a cultural practice, and has been for thousands of years. Even if they did stop FORCING people to do it, I hardly think they'd frown at it when people opt to.
on May 06, 2005
I want to reply to this but I just can't put it into words how messed up this whole thing is. My God, how did we get to this point that anyone could even consider this.

It starts when we devalue life. When PBAs are a women's right to chose, and the inability of a woman to feed herself means there is no quality of life left. The rest is just a natural progression unfortunately.
on May 06, 2005
Well, it is just human life we're talking about here. It's not like it's anything really important or anything.

Unfortunately, that is the end result of the culture of death we have become.
on May 06, 2005
not a movie... live T.V. with real executions. with close-ups, surround sound so as not to miss a single scream.

That will come in time. We have seen the beginning.
on May 06, 2005
It won't stop with the fetus. They terminate newborns regularly in China. I used to be proud of my country, but lately I realize that we aren't purposefully different, we just haven't caught up with the sickness of the rest of the world yet.

It seems the ACLU and liberals are pushing us to catch up very quickly.
on May 06, 2005
Actually, I believe I was just reading something the other day that China had halted the population control thing. Wish I could recall where I read that story. If I find it I'll post a link in another article.

if you can find it, please write an article on it. It might restore some hope for mankind.
on May 06, 2005
Ah, yeah, and they don't torture people, and re-education camps are just little get-aways to get your head straight. Do you really think that the nation who rubber-hoses people to death for their religious beliefs is gonna admit to murdering infants?

Does the US?
on May 06, 2005
That whole idea makes me sick.

I as well. But I predicted it when NOW, PP and the Liberals fought PBA so hard. I knew then it was only a matter of time. Sometimes, there is no satisfaction in being right.
on May 06, 2005
...mmmkay. You believe Chinese propaganda and I'll get a grip. It isn't government mandate, it is a cultural practice, and has been for thousands of years. Even if they did stop FORCING people to do it, I hardly think they'd frown at it when people opt to.

I agree. Once you start down the slippery slope, it is easy to justify murdering unwanted children, post partum. China is ahead of us in that respect, but then most socialist countries are. We are playing catch up only because we are not totally socialist yet.
on May 07, 2005
by your logic, we're all postpartum feti.

so where do you draw the line?

there is no hard and fast rule for making that determination or for disputing it.

and talk about political correctness. how many of our mothers or grandmothers would be considered horribly unfit by today's standards for pumping us full of nicotine, alcohol and breathing in asbestos?

you're well on the way to creating a new political species: the bleeding heart conservative.
on May 08, 2005
by your logic, we're all postpartum feti.

Exactly, the whole case doesnt make sense. I think the woman should be charged. Women today have all the information they need to know for the health of their unborn babies. The taking of drugs, alcohol or smoke when pregnant is just plain irresponsible AND criminal. Cant they just see that??? Damit.
on May 08, 2005
" by your logic, we're all postpartum feti."

And to my knowledge it is illegal to kill any of us. So... I'm not following your logic.
on May 08, 2005
Well, if there is anything that would know a brainless mass of tissue, it would be the ACLU, their isn't a brain or human being to be found among their members.

I have yet to find anyone who can answer the question, "If a fetus fits the biological definition of being alive, and has DNA consistant with Homo Sapiens (Human Beings), what else can it be but a Human Being).

Now the brainless wastes of human flesh are saying that a baby who has been born, is not really human.

The scum floating world of the ACLU would have us believe that they are the only entity capable of defining life, and that definition seems to be "the ability to communicate".

Face is ACLU, there is nothing more pathetic than your feeble attempts at re-defining everything to fit your halucinations of what reality is.

I have a friend who did an internship with the Utah chapter of the ACLU. Since he wanted to be a Constitutional Lawyer, he was really excited to work with them. By the time he was finished with the internship he said that "There just isn't enough soap and water in the world to ever feel clean again."

The ACLU is nothing more than a gaggle of lying scum who would use our freedoms as a weapon against us.

Other than that, I have no real opinion on the matter. ;~D
on May 08, 2005
So... I'm not following your logic

it doesn't work backwards. a prepartum fetus is exactly that.

if the legislature of this state intended this law to punish women for providing feti with illegal drugs, why wasnt that spelled out?

instead of castigating the aclu, why don't yall vent your outrage where it belongs--on the republicans in the wyoming state house and state senate who outnumber democrats by 3:1 and 2:1 respectively.
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