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Published on April 26, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

In what can only be described as exporting the worst of the worst, the BBC has been caught with its pants down.  Taking a page from CBS' Rathergate, the BBC has decided it is better to make the news than to report it.

To such end, the BBC equipped 3 hecklers with Microphones and sent them after the Tories and Michael Howard at a campaign rally.

Once they were outed, did the BBC do the right thing and perform a Mea Culpa?  Are you serious?  They were learning from CBS after all.  NO instead they issued a very lame and idiotic statement:

"The BBC claimed that the exercise was part of a 'completely legitimate programme about the history and art of political heckling' and said that other parties' meetings were being 'observed.' "

Needless to say the Tories are not amused or placated by the supposed explanation. At least the Conservatives in Britain dont have to pretend to cater to 'unbiased' BBC any longer. 

And the real losers? The people of Great Britian who will have to rely on the less biased blogosphere for news on politicians that THEIR news agency doesn't agree with.

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