John Bolton, the nominated ambassador to the UN has had some rough going in recent weeks. From unsubstantiated accusations that he was abusive to underlings, to substantiated assertions that he holds the body in contempt, the left has been out to get him.
And their desperation is increasing and at the same time getting loonier. Now comes Lynne Finney, a lawyer he worked with over 20 years ago recounting that Bolton yelled at her for not lobbying for a weakening of restrictions on infant formula. Besides being 20 years old, the charge is also dismissed by all who worked with them back in those days.
In addition, she is a raging liberal that defines the term loony loopy luddite leftist. According to her own web site:
This is a time of rapid evolution and intense transformation for us all. New discoveries in quantum physics, psychology, and spirituality are revealing ways to create wonderful new realities. It's estimated that more than 14 million people have already become enlightened or Self-realized. Some are visible but most lead ordinary lives. Each time someone reaches Self-realization, it affects the collective Mind. Things are heating up. Like popcorn, we are all popping faster and are reaching enlightenment at a rapid rate.
I think too many of her kernels have already popped! But beyond this lunacy, Lynne is also known for 'recovering' memories of past abuse that never happened.
But despite all the evidence and the ancient age of the trumped up charge, Barbara (Doh) Boxer wants us to take her seriously.
As with all other imaginary charges, to Barbara Boxer, it is not the facts that count, just the seriousness of the charges.
Bork away Boxer. You are too stupid to see that it is just making a fool of yourself, not John Bolton.