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Is to try to hide it in plain sight
Published on April 25, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

In the latest episode of the dirt from the Clinton Administration not wanting to go away, One of the last (note, not the last) of the independant counsels investigating Clinton Appointees is trying to wrap up his investigation.  After 10 years and $21 million.

The longevity of the investigation is nnot due to stonewalling on the part of David Barrett, but on the hundreds of motions and appeals filed by attorneys of the initial target of the investigation (and since convicted), Harry Cisneros.

Stepping into this quagmire are now Byron Dorgan, Richard Durbina and John Kerry.  They are attempting to squelch the final report for reasons they have not made  apparent.  But the intent is so that the final report will never see the light of day.

And in so doing, this little footnote of history is gaining new fame as not only the leaders of the democrats try ham handed tactics to squash the final report, but other 'un-biased' MSM sources are urging the report never see the light of day.

One has to wonder, why?  Cisneros has already been convicted (on what can best be described as just poor judgement and tax fraud).  So what is the deep dark secret in this report that the democrat leadership does not want us to see?

It does make us curiouser and eeager to see this report just weeks from release.  And it makes you wonder how stupid some people are that their very actions are undermining their inept efforts.

Only time will tell us what they so want to subvert they are willing to risk their (tarnished and just getting worse) reputations. 

With Leadership like this, the democrats have no where to go except down. TO defeat and more disgrace.  A place they seem to like to wallow in.

on Apr 25, 2005
It's hillarious to watch them squirm!! They make such a big deal of Tom Delay's alleged actions (which are unsubstantiated at best and common practices at worst), yet every Democrat on the hill is blaringly silent concerning this attempt at a coverup. What do you call a person who willingly goes along with an attempt to suppress facts in a crime investigation???
on Apr 25, 2005

What do you call a person who willingly goes along with an attempt to suppress facts in a crime investigation???

A co-conspirator!  That is why I am so curious.  How does Cisneros crimes endanger any of them?  That report is going to be very interesting reading!

on Apr 25, 2005
I am looking forward to reading it I might just copy the report and use it on a republican blogsite to show what hippo crypts the dems are
on Apr 25, 2005

I am looking forward to reading it I might just copy the report and use it on a republican blogsite to show what hippo crypts the dems are

Maybe they are just playing coy, and there is nothing in there?  But it does make for a nice mystery!