Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
The Best quote seen yet
Published on April 22, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

This is from a blogger named Roger Gore.  Out of the mouth of babes as they say:

I am not Catholic, but it seems to me that if the pope is really God's mouthpiece on the earth--as the Catholic Church claims he is--then why the dissent? Either the man speaks for God, or he does not. If he does, the dissent is at best foolish, for who in his right mind would think to argue with Almighty God over his own doctrine? Can God really be lobbied, swayed, and convinced over same-sex marriage, condoms, celibacy, etc.? If the pope does not speak for God, then the Catholic Church is void of its stated "divine authority," and so why have a pope to begin with?

Indeed, while he is not 100% accurate in his statement of 'speaks for God' or not, this simple truth should be used for all who wail and bemoan the election of Pope Benedict XVI.

If you dont beleive, why worry?  If you do, why question it?

on Apr 22, 2005
The only constant thing in orginized religion is, someone is always gonna bitch it's there way or it's wrong
on Apr 22, 2005

The only constant thing in orginized religion is, someone is always gonna bitch it's there way or it's wrong

And thus the reason that He That Has No Name came up with the expression "Oi Vey!"

on Apr 22, 2005
Because he's not close to being 100% accurate with is statement.

the Pope is not always the "God's direct microphone to earth" -- and in fact, only rarely invokes his infallibility. Therefore, the Pope can be wrong--and that, in and of itself, is grounds to question.
on Apr 22, 2005
the Pope is not always the "God's direct microphone to earth" -- and in fact, only rarely invokes his infallibility. Therefore, the Pope can be wrong--and that, in and of itself, is grounds to question.

Shhhh! We know that, but the non Catholics dont!

And yes, we must always question him (we - Catholics). But note that WE dont dictate to him. We ask, implore, argue and debate, but we do not threaten and wag our fingers.

As I said in my qualifier, the writer is not 100%, but at least he should give the Non-Catholic Pontificators (I like that term!) pause to think before speaking.
on Apr 22, 2005
Dr Guy.. why worry? because the catholic Church as an instittution has alot of power over alot of people. And through the abuse of this power is what has caused alot of damage to the people it professes to help.
on Apr 26, 2005
Indeed, while he is not 100% accurate in his statement of 'speaks for God' or not, this simple truth should be used for all who wail and bemoan the election of Pope Benedict XVI.

Didja notice that its mostly non-Catholics doing the moaning?
Didja also notice that the Jews are happy?
OY VEY!!!!!!!!!!! ( mother invented this phrase...not God)