2 of the investigators on the Paul Volcker panel that were investigating the Oil for Food Scandal recently resigned in protest. Their reason? Leads that were deemed embarrassing or injurious to Kofi Annan were not followed up and brought to light.
This should not really surprise anyone who has followed the case. From the get go, Kofi has shirked all responsibility and insulated himself from the ones that took the fall, much like Dan Rather did at CBS. SO we pretty much knew that grunts would get the shaft and the leader would be indignant over the scandal that he helped create, but would not be indicted.
But it does seem strange that those who would investigate a claim, with no evidence whatsoever, merely on the 'seriousness' of the charges, or hold the Bush administration culpable for the actions of a few rogue soldiers, are not crying out for blood in this matter.
Well, not really. For in the end, they are just the hypocrits that they always were. They care not for investigating their pets, and will poo-poo anyone who even questions them. They are not concerned with the truth, as is evident by wanting to investigate imaginary crimes, only with advancing their agenda to the detriment of anyone in their way.
And the UN is their cause celebre. It is their holy grail from which all good comes, and no bad may be spoken.
When I was a child, I read animal farm. I never thought I would actually see it put into practice by the liberal leadership, and that the bleating sheep would never question '4 legs good, 2 legs better'. But then I was young and naive then.