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At least it was not the NY Times
Published on April 20, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

When will they learn?  It is getting to the point now that the mainstream media is a laughing stock among all intelligent people!  The latest mis-capade happened at the Boston Globe where a reporter 'reported' the slaughter of seal pups in Canada.

The problem was the weather was so bad, they never held the hunt.  The reporter had just taken the demonstrators account of what could happen and made a story of it as if it had happened.

It is no longer a question of whether the MSM is biased left of not.  Now it is a question of can you believe anything they report any more?  IN the past months we have had a crack baby in DC, Jason Blair at the NY times, this seal story, Rathergate, ABC's Terri Memo, etc.

The list goes on and on and on.  MS rails against blogdom as being only 33% accurate.  At the current rate, that looks a lot better than their record.

on Apr 20, 2005
typical of msm if there is no inflamatory story to be had, invent something.
on Apr 20, 2005

typical of msm if there is no inflamatory story to be had, invent something.

Even a person of average intelligence would know the heat was on after the track record they have had over the past several years.  One can only assume that most reporters are sub par when it comes to intelligence.

on Apr 20, 2005
mmm, seal. I'll take two and some fries. Damn, you'd think they were somehow more important than the very intelligent rats we trap and toss in the trash.
on Apr 20, 2005
Reporting from the frozen white wasteland,


That looks good for me. So is the NY Times or the Washington post going to pest erererer ummm post it?
on Apr 20, 2005
mmm, seal. I'll take two and some fries. Damn, you'd think they were somehow more important than the very intelligent rats we trap and toss in the trash.

No, not more important. just cuter. Who can look in their doey eyes and not love them. A rat? Step on the sucker!
on Apr 20, 2005
Why bother researching a story that can be written from a bar stool? ;~D


This just in: Canadian Baby Seals get arrested for underage clubbing!!! ;~D
on Apr 23, 2005

This just in: Canadian Baby Seals get arrested for underage clubbing!!! ;~D
