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Score another one for Information Freedom
Published on April 19, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

In what can only be termed a victory for blogdom, and perhaps a warning to the pea brains in Washington DC, A judge (They call them Justices) in Canada has lifted a gag order on one of the biggest political scandals to rock Canada in recent memory.

IN a nut shell, some members of the Liberal Party (who according to some Canadians is not all that Liberal) were skimming public money off in what has become known as AdScam.  Justice John Gomery placed a gag order on all Canadians so that the results of the trial could not be published.

Ok, 20 years ago that might have worked.  But that was then, and this is now. Along comes Ed Morrissey with his Captains Quarter's blog and he gets access to the transcripts.

Now comes the sweet part.  The blogger is American!  So the kangaroos in Canada could not touch him!  In addition, after he published the dirty deeds, some Canadian News sites linked to him (I dont guess that was illegal) and the lid was blown!  So that now, any Canadian can find out just how bad the scandal was.

And it caused Justice John Gomery to reverse his decision.  Which is good since it was a bad decision to begin with (it is not like the defendants were rape victims or anything - on the contrary, the rape victims this time were the citizens of Canada).

Love it, hate it, or try to ignore it, but the awesome truth is that Blogs are here to stay, and the Internet is not limited to one country.  Both mean that blogs will continue to be an excellant source of news (and views) long into the future when Rather, Jennings and Brokaw are just a trivia question on Jeopardy.

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